More Contradictions of the Jehovahs Witnesses

We are told to be witnesses in the New Testament, but not once are we referred to as Jehovah’s Witnesses. Why be called a name “given to you by God,” only to change it three more times?

1.  If God gave the JW’s the name they now have, were the names they had before wrong?

2.  If they had the wrong names before, what makes them so sure that they have the right name now?

3.  How much does that speak to their credibility?

Zion’s Watchtower society 1884

The People’s Pulpit Association 1909

The International Bible Student’s Association 1914

Jehovah’s Witnesses 1931

Why were they without a name that they believe was divinely given to them for sixty years? Russell never came up with “Jehovah’s Witnesses,” it was a title that he never used or intended to.

Why is it that the teachings of Russell have slowly disappeared? As the founder of this group, shouldn’t he be a cornerstone for what is being taught?

Why isn’t anyone held accountable for the prophecies being spoken?

Why would I want to join a church that was born of lies and confusion? “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.” I Corinthians 14:33

The Watchtower has the right to make these prophecies (all false so far), but when they claim to God’s only voice on earth, their integrity is destroyed. Why should I believe them, when they have such a bad track record? Lies and suppression of facts are common in politics and business, but one expects to find honesty in those who claim to be speaking for God.

Old Light, New Light & Black Light

When the organization wrote prophecies in the Watchtower magazine that failed, they use the terminology of “new light” to explain it away.

The concept of New light is taken from Proverbs 4:18

“But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.”

Typical of the JW’s almost complete lack of Bible knowledge, this verse is not speaking about prophecy or direct revelation from God, but the righteous man’s increasing ability to live a holier life with age and experience.

New Light should not contradict Old Light, but it often does with Jehovah’s Witnesses.

The fact that Jehovah’s Witnesses actually swallow this “New Light” explanation from the organization when prophecies fail is the ultimate testimony of their blind faith in false human organizations.

We invite all new Jehovah’s Witness converts to closely decide for themselves if “New light” adds to “Old Light” or flatly contradicts it.

Will the Men of Sodom be Resurrected?


Watchtower 7/18/1879 p. 8


Watchtower 6/1/1952 p. 338


Watchtower78/1/1965 p. 47g


Watchtower7 6/1/1988 p. 31


Live Forever (old edition ) p. 179


Live Forever (new edition ) p. 179


Insight, volume 2, p. 985


Revelation book, p. 273


Contradictory light! BLINKING LIGHT! Not new light!

Old Light
Original prophecy
New Light
More specific prophecy
(Adds to Old Light)
Black Light
Failed prophecy
(contradicts Old Light)
We give an answer The answer is yes The answer is now no!
It will be a color It will be blue We were wrong about blue, it will now be red
It will rain It will rain today We were wrong about today, it will rain tomorrow
Armageddon is in the Bible Armageddon in 1925 &1975 We were wrong when we said 1925 &1975
Jehovah's Witnesses Advice for Themselves
I certainly hope they are willing to listen to their own advice, because here below are questions that Jehovah's Witnesses do not like to be asked, that need to be answered because they know the answer proves their doctrine wrong!
Quotes Where Jehovah's Witnesses Claim Inspiration Part One
The Organization has made the same bold claim of inspiration from the year it was founded in 1881 to the present. Every leader of the Organization has claimed inspiration from the beginning. Yet every leader what they taught has been rejected for the first 50 years of the Organization. This leads us to ask whether the current leaders today will in 50 more years be viewed as "heretical" as they currently view Charles Taze Russell their founder?
Inspiration Part 1
Quotes Where Jehovah's Witnesses Claim Inspiration Part Two
1952 "Jehovah as the great interpreter makes known the meaning of his revelations in his due time, and speculation by men cannot bring to light the true meaning of prophecy before time. Jehovah has provided a channel, the faithful and discreet slave class, who are given spiritual food at the proper time, and this spiritual food includes among other things the understandings of the prophecies in the course of their fulfillments. (Matt. 24:45 NW) Jehovah's witnesses themselves are not nor can they be interpreters of prophecies. but as fast as the superior authorities Jehovah and Christ Jesus reveal the interpretations through their provided channel that fast do God's people publish them" (Watchtower, April 15, 1952, p. 253)
Inspiration Part 2
Apostate Doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses
What Jehovah's Witnesses believe, but won't initially tell people when they knock on doors and ask if they think the world would be better off without war, suffering, sickness and child abuse: If you become a Jehovah's Witness and then leave them because of their false teachings, you will be literally shunned. Your family that remains in the organization will not be permitted to even talk to you!
Apostate Doctrine
More Contradictions of the Jehovah Witnesses
We are told to be witnesses in the New Testament, but not once are we referred to as Jehovah’s Witnesses. Why be called a name "given to you by God," only to change it three more times? If God gave the JW's the name they now have, were the names they had before wrong? If they had the wrong names before, what makes them so sure that they have the right name now? How much does that speak to their credibility?
More Contradictions
Prophecy blunders of Jehovah's Witnesses - Part 1
As one reads the prophetic statements below, it is important to bear in mind just how bold the Organization is in claiming direct inspiration of God in what it publishes. Yet what you will observe is an ever-changing system of doctrine. Take careful note at how they make bold claims of events to happen in a specific year, then as soon as the date passed, they do an about face and say, "we never said that".
Prophecy Blunders Part 1
Prophecy Blunders of Jehovahs Witnesses - Part 2
As one reads the prophetic statements below, it is important to bear in mind just how bold the Organization is in claiming direct inspiration of God in what it publishes. Yet what you will observe is an ever-changing system of doctrine. Take careful note at how they make bold claims of events to happen in a specific year, then as soon as the date passed, they do an about face and say, "we never said that".
Prophecy Blunders Part 2
Prophecy blunders of Jehovah's Witnesses - Part 3
As one reads the prophetic statements below, it is important to bear in mind just how bold the Organization is in claiming direct inspiration of God in what it publishes. Yet what you will observe is an ever-changing system of doctrine. Take careful note at how they make bold claims of events to happen in a specific year, then as soon as the date passed, they do an about face and say, "we never said that".
Prophecy Blunders Part 3
Jehovah's Witnesses A Counterfiet of Christianity
Six rather bulky volumes, comprising in all some 2,000 pages, are published by the "Watch Tower and Tract Society" of Brooklyn, N.Y. The author of this work is Mr. Charles T. Russell. Formerly his publications issued from "Zion’s Watch Tower", Pittsburgh, Pa. They then bore the somewhat ostentatious title, "Millennial Dawn," (1886). The volumes now bear the more modest inscription, "Studies in the Scriptures", (1911). Why the change in the title is made can only be conjectured. Some rather severe criticism and strictures of the views advocated in these books have brought Millennial Dawn into disrepute in the minds of many people, and accordingly we think the former title has been dropped and the later and less objectionable one substituted for it.
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