Apostate Doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses
16 Truths that JW’s Teach | 14 Apostate and Anti-Biblical False Doctrines that JW’s Teach | ||||||||||||||||||||||
The rest of the story…
What Jehovah’s Witnesses believe, but won’t initially tell people when they knock on doors and ask if they think the world would be better off without war, suffering, sickness and child abuse:
If you become a Jehovah’s Witness and then leave them because of their false teachings, you will be literally shunned. Your family that remains in the organization will not be permitted to even talk to you!
The Watchtower Society is the only source of truth on earth today and your soul will be destroyed if you refuse their organization.
The Watchtower Society and its followers are all prophets of God today and the Governing Body is directed by angels from God.
The Watchtower and Awake magazines originate with and are treated as equal to the Bible.
They deny that God consists of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
They deny the deity of Christ, they say Jesus is a created being also called Michael the archangel, and was the first and only direct creation of God.
Jesus was not the Christ (Messiah) until age 30, even though their own bible says in Luke 2:11, “because there was born to you today a savior, who is Christ the Lord.”
They deny the bodily resurrection. After Jesus was buried in the tomb, Jehovah dissolved his body into gases and it disappeared forever.
Jesus rose invisibly in three days, so Jehovah had to “materialize” a fake body for him complete with fake nail prints so His disciples would believe it was really Jesus risen.
They deny the personality of the Holy Spirit (viewed by the Watchtower organization as “God’s active force,” similar to radio waves)
They deny man consciously survives death.
They teach the eternal punishment of the lost is annihilation.
They deny the bodily, visible return of Christ (Christ’s “return” was only His “turning his attention” invisibly toward earth in 1914, and there was an invisible “rapture” of the dead members of the 144,000 in 1918.)
The cross is a pagan symbol of sex worship, and that all buildings or persons displaying the cross are likewise pagan. Jehovah’s Witnesses deny that Jesus died on a cross but a stake. However, recent “new light” in the Watchtower now admits they are not certain about the cross, but will continue to deny it anyway. Further, the watchtower originally claimed it was a cross.
No one goes to heaven but 144,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses.
They teach Christ is the mediator for only the 144,000, not the average Jehovah’s Witness.
Teach only the 144,000 must be “born again”, not the average Jehovah’s Witness.
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob etc. were to be back on earth as perfect humans in 1925. The Society built a palatial home called “Beth Sarim” for them BUT when the patriarchs failed to show up, the President of the Society moved in.
Their light gets “brighter and brighter,” allowing for many changes and “about faces” on their doctrines. Yesterday’s error is today’s “truth.” Often the “light” bounces back and forth from old to new views and back again! (Might we call this discarded truth… “black Light?”)
Blood transfusions are rejected and if a Witness receives one willingly, it results in his eternal death. However, the society allows Hemophiliacs to consume blood for medical purposes to save their life.
To salute the flag is an act of idolatry.
Participation in any civil holidays, mother’s day, birthdays brings condemnation of God.
Only persons who use the true name of God, Jehovah, will have their prayers heard by God. No salvation is possible without using the name “Jehovah.”
Jehovah’s Witnesses believe the Watchtower organization is God’s “spirit led” spokesman:
Regardless of what Bible verses you show them that contradicts their beliefs, they place their confidence in the magazines and books.
The idea that the “organization” is a prophet is hidden from prospects and new converts. But if you ask the right questions you can get them to admit it, unless they feel you are not “mature enough” to accept it yet. Getting them to admit this is the first place I always begin in studying with them:
Do you believe the Watchtower organization was prophesied in Matthew 24:45?
If so, doesn’t that mean that they are directly guided by God what to publish?
If the Watchtower is a “Spirit led prophet” of God doesn’t that make it equally authoritative and infallible as the Bible?
Can you think of any examples of a prophet who was not inspired?
Jehovah’s Witnesses are eventually taught the Watchtower was prophesied by Jesus in Matthew 24:45
1. Watchtower organization = “faithful & sensible slave whom God put in charge”
2. Jehovah’s Witnesses = “of his household”
3. Watchtower magazine = “food at the proper time.”
4. Weekly Watchtower study: Every church worldwide studies same thing, at same time
5. Informed Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that the Watchtower magazine claims inspiration by God in its teachings.
Now you understand why they are always asking you to buy their Watchtower magazine when they come door to door? It is the Jehovah’s Witnesses creed book & primary Bible.
Quotes Where Jehovah's Witnesses Claim Inspiration | The Organization has made the same bold claim of inspiration from the year it was founded in 1881 to the present. Every leader of the Organization has claimed inspiration from the beginning. Yet what they taught has been rejected for the first 50 years of the Organization. This leads us to ask whether the current leaders today will in 50 more years be viewed as “heretical” as they currently view Charles Taze Russell their founder? How can we trust their current claim of inspiration if they reject their predecessors claims of inspiration for the first 50 years of the Organization’s existence? |
Quotes Where Jehovah's Witnesses Claim Inspiration Part 2 | “The agency which the Master uses to distribute or dispense his truth is called his ‘faithful and discreet slave’. Matthew 24:45-47 says: ‘Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics to give them their food at the proper time? Happy is that slave if his master on arriving finds him doing so. Truly I say to you, He will appoint him over all his belongings.’ (NW) |
Apostate Doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses | They deny the bodily, visible return of Christ (Christ’s “return” was only His “turning his attention” invisibly toward earth in 1914, and there was an invisible “rapture” of the dead members of the 144,000 in 1918.) The cross is a pagan symbol of sex worship, and that all buildings or persons displaying the cross are likewise pagan. Jehovah’s Witnesses deny that Jesus died on a cross but a stake. However, recent “new light” in the Watchtower now admits they are not certain about the cross, but will continue to deny it anyway. Further, the watchtower originally claimed it was a cross. |
More Contradictions of the Jehovahs Witnesses | Why were they without a name that they believe was divinely given to them for sixty years? Russell never came up with “Jehovah’s Witnesses,” it was a title that he never used or intended to. Why is it that the teachings of Russell have slowly disappeared? As the founder of this group, shouldn’t he be a cornerstone for what is being taught? Why isn’t anyone held accountable for the prophecies being spoken? Why would I want to join a church that was born of lies and confusion? “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.” I Corinthians 14:33 |
Jehovahs Witnesses a Counterfeit of Christianity | Six rather bulky volumes, comprising in all some 2,000 pages, are published by the “Watch Tower and Tract Society” of Brooklyn, N.Y. The author of this work is Mr. Charles T. Russell. Formerly his publications issued from “Zion’s Watch Tower”, Pittsburgh, Pa. They then bore the somewhat ostentatious title, “Millennial Dawn,” (1886). The volumes now bear the more modest inscription, “Studies in the Scriptures”, (1911). Why the change in the title is made can only be conjectured. |
Jehovah's Witnesses Advice for Themselves | Why would the name God gave to His people not be “Christians” since Acts 11:26 says, “The disciples were first called Christians in Antioch”? Why is the name “Jehovah’s Witness” found nowhere in the New Testament, if that is God’s divine name for His people under the new covenant? Why would God wait almost 2000 years to suddenly start using the name “Jehovah’s Witness”. Does this mean that first century Christians were not known as “Jehovah’s Witnesses”? |
Prophecy Blunders of Jehovah's Witnesses Part One | 1921 “‘The time of the end’ embraces a period from 1799 A.D., as above indicated, to the time of the complete overthrow of Satan’s empire and the establishment of the kingdom of the Messiah. The time of the Lord’s second presence dates from 1874, as above stated. The latter period is within the first named, of course, and in the latter part of the period known as “the time of the end.” (The Harp of God, 1921 p. 236) |
Prophecy Blunders of Jehovah's Witnesses Part Two | 1942 “The faithful acts of the men who were known as fathers in Israel are recounted in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews. Genesis 12:1-3; 28:13,14; Acts 7:2-5…. These men will be the visible representatives of the Theocracy, which is the government created and built up by the almighty God as his capital organization and which shall rule the world. Further proof that these princes will shortly take office upon earth as perfect men is found in the prophecy of Daniel. But go thou thy way till the end be; for thou shalt rest and stand in thy lot at the end of the days. (Daniel 12:13) Daniel’s lot is that of these princes. Proof is now submitted that we are now living at the end of the days, and we may expect to see Daniel and the other mentioned princes any day now!” (Consolation, April 27, 1942, p. 13, brackets in the original) |
Prophecy Blunders of Jehovah's Witnesses Part Part Three | 1975 Furthermore, the remnant of spiritual Israel had for decades, yes, since 1876, been looking forward to the ending of the Times of the Gentiles in the autumn of 1914. They were expecting God’s Messianic Kingdom to be fully established in the heavens by then and also for the remnant of spiritual Israel to be glorified with Jesus Christ in the heavenly kingdom at that time. All understanding of the Holy Scriptures was slanted in that direction or adjusted to that idea. And when the year 1914 ended amid the flames of World War 1 and the remnant of spiritual Israel found themselves still here on the earth, then they were inclined to think that they would be glorified in the year 1918, three and a half years after the end of the Gentile Times. |
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