Confusion of the Popes
The Roman Catholic church claims it has an “Unbroken List of Popes from Peter to Today.” It calls this List “the Title Deed of the Roman Catholic Church.”
It either has a Title Deed or it does not. Either there is an Unbroken Line or there is not. If not, the Roman Catholic Church falls apart, and is proven to be a false church, from which every member should be converted and put his faith only in Jesus Christ as all-sufficient Saviour and Lord.
The fact is, there is no such thing as an “unbroken line!” No Title company in the world would insure the title of the Roman Catholic Church. It is hopelessly confused. Four official Roman Catholic books give four different “Title Deeds!” They don’t know if the actual number of the so -called popes is 258, 261, 262, or less.
In 1947, the Vatican made changes regarding 74 popes. It removed “the little man who never was.” Poor “pope” Donus had been listed as a pope in 973. But in 1947 the Vatican dropped him from its “unbroken line” – its glorious “Title Deed.” Why? Because they found he had never even existed! In addition, the Vatican dropped six “popes,” and removed the “sainthood” of four others!
How can this be, since the Roman Catholic Church claims that saints are made by God in heaven? Ask your priest.
The following are three Roman Catholic approved publications, with information showing how utterly confused they are concerning this so-called “Title Deed.”
THE FAITH OF MILLIONS – author, John A. O’Brien, Ph.D. Copyright 1938, published by Our Sunday Visitor (Roman Catholic newspaper), Nihil Obstat Rev. T. E. Dillon, Censor Librorum; Imprimatur, John Francis Noll, DD, Bishop of Fort Wayne.
List of popes, pages 67-70. Total number of popes, starting with Peter, ending with Pius XII, 261.
Pope #137, John XIV; Pope #207, Martin V. Statement on page 70: “Of the 261 popes from St. Peter to Pius XII, 83 are honored as saints, 7 as blessed and 33 were martyred; they constitute a distinguished list of holy and saintly men, linking the Church with Christ and constituting the Title Deed of the Catholic Church – the one true Church of Jesus Christ on earth.”
WHAT’S THE TRUTH ABOUT CATHOLICS? – author, Rev. John A.O’Brien, Copyright 1950, published by Our Sunday Visitor, Nihil Obstat Rev. Msgr. T. E. Dillon, Censor Librorum; Imprimatur John Francis Noll, DD, Bishop of Fort Wayne.
List of popes, pages 66-67. Total number of popes from Peter to Pius XII, 262.
Pope #137, Donus II; Pope #207, John XXII or XXIII or XXIV.
Pope #5 is shown as Anacletus, whereas in Faith of Millions, #5 is Evaristus!
A Jan. 18, 1947 news report from the Vatican states that “Pope Donus” was found to be “a person who never existed!” In addition, designation of sainthood was removed from Felix II, Liberius, Anastasio, Stephen III, Stephen V! And poor, deluded, unsuspecting Roman Catholic people had been praying to these non-existent “saints” for centruies with the official approval of the same Roman Catholic Church that now says it was all a mistake! What a horrible fraud!
THE STORY OF THE POPE – Dell publication, copyright 1957; Nihil Obstat, John A. Goddwine, JCD, censor librorum, Imprimatur Francis Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop of New York.
List of popes, pages 64-65. Total number of popes from Peter to Pius XII, 258!
A copy of the Jan. 18, 1947 news article from Vatican City can be obtained from any Public Library. It was carried on the front page of the Phila. Inquirer, and in the New York Times. It was titled, “VATICAN DROPS 6 NAMES FROM LIST OF POPES.”
WE INVITE ALL ROMAN CATHOLICS TO TURN FROM THIS HOPELESS CONFUSION AND COME TO THE TRUE ROCK THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, AND HIM ALONE! If the Apostle Peter were alive, today, he would be the first to invite you to leave this pagan system that has deceived so many because it contains a mixture of Christianity.
Peter would tell you that Christ is the Rock (I Peter 2:7-8)….(Acts 4:8-12).
He would tell you that Matthew 16:18 refers to Christ Himself (Matt. 16:16; I Cor 10:4) as the Rock upon which the Church is built.
Peter is but a stone in the Church of Christ, as are all born again Christians (I Peter 1:23; 2:5).
All Christians are given the Scriptures (keys) to to declare the remission of sins by faith in Jesus Christ (Matt. 16:19, Matt 18:18; Luke 24:45-47; Acts 10:43).
Roman Catholicism makes salvation a long, complicated process with no assurance of eternal life and forgiveness of all sin. Baptism, Mass, Confession, prayers to Mary and the Saints, good works, and purgatory are all added to faith in Christ. By contrast, the Bible teaches salvation by faith in Jesus Christ alone. Bible salvation is God’s free gift to any sinner who believes that Christ died for their sins and rose again for their defense. Bible salvation gives immediate assurance of eternal life. No church ever saved anyone, but Christ can and will save everyone who will come and trust Him as their Saviour. Membership or faith in a church does not secure salvation for anyone, but trust Christ and Him alone and you will be saved for all eternity! Would you like to be saved?
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