Archaic Words and the Authorized Version
The following list of archaic words in the New International Version (NIV) is taken from the 606-page, intensive and detailed, revised and updated work entitled, “Archaic Words and the Authorized Version,” by Dr. Laurence M. Vance.
As we have seen throughout the main body of this work, archaic words are not limited to the King James Version. Not only do modern versions often retain the supposedly archaic words found in the King James Version, but many times a more formidable word is used to correct a perfectly understandable word or phrase in the King James Version.
This appendix gives those places in the New International Version where a simple word or phrase in the King James Version is replaced by a more difficult word, the base or root form of a word is unnecessarily extended, and those instances where an archaic or somewhat arduous word in the King James Version is replaced by an equally archaic or even more onerous word. In two respects, however, this list is not intended to be exhaustive.
Not listed are those cases where a word or phrase in the King James Version is replaced by two or more words in the New International Version; however, singular words in the New International Version that update a small phrase in the King James Version are included. And secondly, due to the tremendous size of the Bible itself, an exhaustive list would not be suitable for inclusion as an appendix.
abasement | Ezra 9:5 | heaviness |
abashed | Is 24:23 | confounded |
abutted | Ezek 40:18 | over against |
acclamation | 2 Chr 15:14 | voice |
aghast | Is 13:8 | amazed |
alcove | Ezek 40:13 | little chamber |
annotations | 2 Chr 13:22 | story |
armlets | Num 31:50 | chains |
bewilderment | Acts 2:6 | confounded |
blunted | Ps 58:7 | cut in pieces |
blustering | Job 8:2 | strong |
breakers | Ps 93:4 | waves |
brooches | Ex 35:22 | bracelets |
brood | Is 57:4 | children |
burnished | Dan 10:6 | polished |
carnelian | Rev 4:3 | sardine |
charioteers | I Sam 13:5 | horsemen |
citron | Rev 18:12 | thyine |
colonnade | I Ki 7:6 | porch |
commemorate | Ex 13:3 | remember |
cooing | Song 2:12 | voice |
cors | I Ki 4:22 | measures |
curds | Gen 18:8 | butter |
dappled | Zec 6:6 | gristled |
debauchery | Gal 5:19 | lasciviousness |
decimated | 2 Sam 21:5 | destroyed |
dejected | Gen 40:6 | sad |
deluded | Is 44:20 | deceived |
denarii | Matt 18:28 | pence |
denarius | Matt 20:2 | penny |
desecrate | Lev 21:12 | profane |
despoil | Jer 30:16 | give for a prey |
detachment | John 18:3 | band |
disheartened | Ezek 13:22 | sad |
disillusionment | Ps 7:14 | falsehood |
dissipation | I Pet 4:4 | riot |
drachmas | Ezra 2:69 | drams |
dragnet | Hab 1:15 | drag |
duplicity | Lk 20:23 | craftiness |
elation | Pro 28:12 | glory |
embedded | Ecc 12:11 | fastened |
embitter | Ps 73:21 | grieved |
embodiment | Rom 2:20 | form |
emphatically | Mk 14:31 | vehemently |
encouragingly | 2 Chr 30:22 | comfortably |
encrouch | Pro 23:10 | enter |
engulf | Ps 69:2 | overflow |
enrollment | 2 Chr 17:14 | numbers |
enthralled | Ps 45:11 | greatly desire |
enveloped | Lk 9:34 | overshadowed |
exasperate | Eph 6:4 | provoke |
exterminate | Ezek 25:7 | perish |
exult | Is 14:8 | rejoice |
factions | 1 Ki 16:21 | parts |
famished | Is 8:21 | hungry |
fattened | 1 Sam 28:24 | fat |
faultfinders | Jude 16 | complainers |
fawns | Song 4:5 | roes |
fellowman | Micah 2:2 | man |
festival | Ex 5:1 | feast |
festive | I Sam 25:8 | good |
fieldstones | Deut 27:6 | whole stones |
figurehead | Acts 28:11 | sign |
filigree | Ex 28:20 | enclosings |
fishnets | Ezek 26:5 | nets |
flagstaff | Is 30:17 | beacon |
flank | Ezek 34:21 | side |
fleeting | Ps 89:47 | short |
flinging | Acts 22:23 | threw |
flogged | Acts 5:40 | beaten |
floodgates | Gen 7:11 | windows |
fluttering | Is 16:2 | wandering |
fomenting | Is 59:13 | speaking |
forded | Josh 2:23 | passed over |
forevermore | Jude 25 | for ever |
frolic | Ps 104:26 | play |
fruitage | Is 27:9 | fruit |
gadfly | Jer 46:20 | destruction |
gaiety | Is 24:8 | mirth |
galled | 1 Sam 18:8 | displeased |
gateway | Gen 19:1 | gate |
gaunt | Gen 41:3 | leanfleshed |
gauntness | Job 16:8 | leanness |
gecko | Lev 11:30 | ferret |
glancing | Ex 2:12 | looked |
glint | Hab 3:11 | light |
glistcning | Job 41:32 | shine |
gloat | Ps 30:1 | rejoice |
gloom | Job 10:21 | darkness |
glutted | Ezek 39:19 | full |
goblet | Is 51:17 | cup |
goiim | Gen 14:1 | nations |
grapevine | James 3:12 | vine |
Hades | Rev 20:14 | hell |
harrowing | Is 28:24 | break the clods |
haunt | Ps 44:19 | place |
headwaters | Gen 2:10 | heads |
hoopoe | Lev 11:19 | lapwing |
horde | Ezek 17:17 | army |
ibex | Deut 14:5 | pygarg |
ignoble | 2 Tim 2:20 | dishonour |
impaled | Ezra 6:11 | hanged |
imperishable | I Cor 15:50 | incorruption |
impetuous | Hab 1:6 | hasty |
improvise | Amos 6:5 | invent |
incited | 1 Chr 21:1 | provoked |
incurs | Pro 9:7 | getteth |
indestructible | Heb 7:16 | endless |
indignant | Mk 10:41 | displeased |
indispensable | 1 Cor 12:22 | necessary |
infamy | Is 44:11 | ashamed |
innumerable | 2 Chr 12:3 | without number |
insolence | Jer 48:30 | wrath |
insolent | Rom 1:30 | despiteful |
jeered | 2 Ki 2:23 | mocked |
joists | 2 Chr 34:11 | couplings |
jowls | Deut 18:3 | cheeks |
kingship | 1 Sam 10:16 | kingdom |
lifeboat | Acts 27:30 | boat |
magi | Matt 2:1 | wise men |
mainstay | Jer 49:25 | chief |
marauders | Job 12:6 | robbers |
marshaled | Job 32:14 | directed |
mattocks | 1 Sam 13:20 | courter |
maxiums | Job 13:12 | remembrances |
melodious | Ps 81:2 | pleasant |
memorandum | Ezra 6:2 | record |
mina | Lk 19:16 | pound |
misdemeanor | Acts 18:14 | wrong |
naive | Rom 16:18 | simple |
nationality | Est 2:10 | people |
naught | Is 40:23 | nothing |
Negev | Gen 12:9 | south |
Nephilim | Gen 6:4 | giants |
nightfall | 2 Sam 19:7 | night |
noonday | 2 Sam 4:5 | noon |
Nubians | Dan 11:43 | Ethiopians |
nuggets | Job 22:24 | gold |
nurtured | Lam 4:5 | brought |
oarsmen | Ezek 27:26 | rowers |
oblivion | Ps 88:12 | forgetfulness |
obscenity | Eph 5:4 | filthiness |
offal | Ex 29:14 | dung |
officiate | 2 Ki 17:32 | sacrificed |
opportune | Mk 6:1 | convenient |
ore | Job 28:2 | stone |
overawed | Ps 49:16 | afraid |
overweening | Is 16:6 | very |
parapet | Deut 22:8 | battlement |
piled | Lk 23:9 | questioned |
pinions | Deut 32:11 | wings |
porphyry | Est 1:6 | red |
portent | Is 20:3 | wonder |
portico | 1 Ki 6:3 | porch |
poultice | 2 Ki 20:7 | lump |
Praetorium | Matt 27:27 | common hall |
prefects | Dan 3:3 | governors |
proconsul | Acts 13:8 | deputy |
profligate | Deut 21:20 | glutton |
promiscuity | Ezek 16:26 | whoredoms |
qualm | Jude 12 | fear |
rabble | Num 11:4 | mixed multitude |
ramparts | Hab 2: 11 | tower |
rawboned | Gen 49:14 | strong |
reeked | Ex 8:14 | stank |
repointing | 1 Sam 13:21 | sharpen |
reposes | Pro 14:33 | resteth |
reputed | Gal 2:9 | seemed |
resound | I Chr 16:32 | roar |
resplendent | Ps 76:4 | glorious |
reveled | Neh 9:25 | delighted themselves |
revelry | Is 22:13 | gladness |
revening | Jer 2:30 | destroying |
rifts | Jer 2:6 | pits |
sachet | Song 1:13 | bundle |
satraps | Est 3:12 | lieutenants |
sheathed | Ps 68:13 | covered |
siegeworks | Ecc 9:14 | bulwarks |
simplehearted | Ps 116:6 | simple |
sistrums | 2 Sam 6:5 | cornets |
squall | Mk 4:37 | storm of wind |
stadia | Rev 14:20 | furlongs |
stag | Song 2:9 | hart |
stipulations | Deut 4:45 | testimonies |
suckling | 1 Sam 7:9 | sucking |
sullen | I Ki 21:5 | sad |
temperate | I Tim 3:11 | sober |
tempest | Ps 55:8 | storm |
terebinth | Hos 4:13 | elms |
tethered | 2 Ki 7:10 | tied |
thong | Lk 3:16 | latchet |
thornbush | Is 55:13 | thorn |
thundercloud | Ps 81:7 | thunder |
timidity | 2 Tim 1:7 | fear |
tinder | Is 1:31 | tow |
torrent | Rev 12:15 | flood |
tranquillity | Ecc 4:6 | quietness |
transcends | Phil 4:7 | passeth |
transplanted | Ezek 17:10 | planted |
tresses | Song 7:5 | galleries |
tumult | 1 Sam 14:19 | noise |
turbulent | Gen 49:4 | unstable |
tyrannical | Pro 28:16 | oppressor |
tyranny | Is 54:14 | oppression |
underlings | 2 Ki 19:6 | servants |
vassal | 2 Ki 24:1 | servant |
vaunts | Job 15:25 | strengtheneth |
vent | Job 20:23 | cast |
verdant | Song 1:16 | green |
vestments | Ezra 3:10 | apparel |
vexed | Ps 112:10 | grieved |
wadi | Num 34:5 | river |
waylaid | 1 Sam 15:2 | laid wait for |
waywardness | Hosea 14:4 | backsliding |
weakling | Joel | weak |
wily | Job 5:13 | froward |
windstorm | Is 29:6 | storm |
wrenched | Gen 32:25 | out of joint |
wretches | Matt 21:41 | wicked men |
yearling | Is 11:6 | fatling |
Archaic Words and the Authorized Version
By Dr. Laurence M. Vance
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