Worship in Spirit and Truth

Who is God the Father? Part 8

RLJ-1468 -- NOVEMBER 2, 2014

What does God the Father want from mankind? In addition to obedience, He wants people who will worship Him in spirit and in truth. That may sound easy but how do you live out such a mandate?

An unsaved person operates exclusively with their soul but a born again person has a spirit made alive by God that gives them the ability to communicate with God on a level that is just not possible for an unsaved person. Sadly, most Christians choose to live their lives in a soulish manner because the soul still has the Adamic sin nature.

However, the moment you communicate with God, the born again spirit automatically takes over and the soul is disconnected from the thought process. God wants us to approach Him with a born again spirit and without unconfessed sins. That is what it means to worship God in spirit and in truth. The cross is the starting place.

Confess your bad attitudes because nothing is hidden from God. There is nothing wrong with coming to God the Father and sharing your burdens and disappointments. Jesus was just like us 2,000 years ago when He came as a man. He was tempted in every way. Because of His death and resurrection, we can boldly approach the throne of God to obtain mercy and grace in time of need.

Sermon Outline

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