What are Scriptures Songs?
A Brief History
In 1984 Ron Vaillant became a Christian and was convicted that his music tastes needed changing. So he prayed and asked God to show him what music heaven would approve. After some time, Ron’s record collection was down to a handful of albums. This was quite a problem because he had previously spent about $20,000 on his home stereo.
Undaunted, he went to the local Christian bookstore to replace his collection. Depression set in after listening to countless recordings. While there were some gems to be found, the vast majority of the music was just the same as he had just thrown in the trash, only with Christian lyrics. This he found to be especially dangerous; just as sugar coated poison is much more dangerous than straight poison.
After selling his stereo and going without music for some time, Ron concluded that if he wanted music, he was going to have to record it. So he went to the Pro Audio dealer and bought some basic equipment. He did not understand 90% of what the salesman was saying and realized that recording might be a much harder task than he thought it was, and later found this to be true. At this time he met Patti Dahl. She was singing in a group that Ron was recording. She had a real nice voice, and well, everything else about her seemed real nice too.
Patti and Ron were both asking God whom they should marry. They wanted a partner they could work with in ministry and in 1989 they were happily married.
In the mid to later 1980s, Ron was so blessed by the simple recordings produced that he gave away as many as he could afford. He did not want to charge for them because the music was a labor of love. But with equipment repairs and the cost of buying more professional gear he decided to go in a new direction.
If people bought their music, then maybe one day he and Patti could make a simple living at recording it. This would make many more recordings possible. By not taking this step, the whole endeavor would eventually die and fade away and the result would have been no more heavenly music to share with others. The choice was obvious.
Even though Ron and Patti have not made a living at recording music, they have been blessed with a modest recording facility. Making music is still a labor of love and Ron and Patti are very grateful to see the music blessing others.
Ron is currently working full time at Vaillant Recordings and loving it. For him it is the most rewarding and challenging work he has ever done.
“When people tell us how they and their families are spiritually blessed by this work it gives us courage to continue on. Satan hates this effort and does what he can to destroy it. There is only one direction to go, and that is forward, God willing.”
Vaillant Recordings
Vaillant Recordings is dedicated to producing Christ centered music. Our desire is to create music that is both spiritual and edifying, music that will draw the mind of the listener to the creator of all things.
We realize the tremendous power music can have for good, and we want to use that power to encourage as many as possible. A good example of this are Scripture Songs. Children are able to learn large portions of the Bible this way, even before they can read. These songs will then be a life long encouragement and fortress against sin. We are simply amazed at how powerful they are, and thank God for them.
May the Lord be your strength this day
Ron and Patti Vaillant
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