The Man That Floated Away

Walking in Faith Part 5

Noah faithfully preached salvation through faith in the Lord until he finished the ark and then God then loaded the ship with the animals, birds and insects, and the flood waters came after the door was shut. The ark was seaworthy but it had no rudder, sails or oars to control its movement and Noah and his family had to persevere in cramped quarters until God released them one year later.

Noah faced giants and evil all around him before the flood that stiffened his resolve to serve the Lord but he began to relax after the flood and his spiritual life took a dive in the absence of all the previous pressure. Eventually he made the fatal mistake of letting go of his tight walk with God and pursued his fleshly desire of getting drunk, cursed one of his sons and that is the last record of him in the Bible.

It’s a shame that Noah started as a hero of the faith but ended his life in defeat. Remember, it’s not so important how you begin your life after salvation, but how you finish it.

RLJ-1307 -- September 11, 2011

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