The Third Man of the Human Race

Walking in Faith Part 2

RLJ-1303 -- August 14, 2011

Adam and Eve rejected the love of God and embraced the lies of the Devil but their son Abel turned out to be a man that loved and desired to please God. Abel must have caught a glimpse of the Garden of Eden’s beauty through the entrance and known that he would never have a chance to enter and live in this paradise but he latched onto God’s promise of a future redeemer that would pay for the sins of the human race and make it possible to get into a future Garden.

Abel knew he was responsible for maintaining his relationship with God, and when he was old enough to start sacrificing, he followed the command given to his parents. The Bible records that his faith was imputed unto him for righteousness. If this man could exhibit such faith in God, should we not have even more faith?


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