What is Faith?

Walking in Faith Part 1

RLJ-1302 -- August 7, 2011

In the book of Hebrews, chapter eleven is known for speaking about faith and there is no other chapter in the Bible that deals with faith in such detail. The apostle Paul challenged readers to look at the various men and women who walked with God through difficult circumstances and believed that He was real and would not let them down.

Before you can really understand this chapter, it is necessary to first define faith, and it is interesting that Paul said that faith begins by believing that God is the Creator. Some Christians have faith in faith, others have faith in people, but real divine faith only comes when you have a strong relationship with God the Father.

However, sin, unforgiveness and unbelief will destroy faith. Pastor John shows how faith is the substance of things hoped for, it is an emotion, and the hope of the mind that something is going to happen. Additionally, faith is a gift from the Holy Spirit and knowing God as your Father. Christianity can be summed as having faith in God and in the Bible.


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