Water and War

Unleashing the Power of God Part 2

RLJ-1470 -- NOVEMBER 16, 2014

The exodus from Egypt numbered in the millions and the caravan stretched for miles. The Israelites marched during the day and at night with supernatural light. God protected the Israelites at the Red Sea from the Egyptian army with a supernatural barrier.

The Lord parted the waters so they stood like vertical walls and sent an east wind to dry the sea floor. The path was wide enough that some 3 million people with their animals we able to cross in a 24 hour time period. When God removed the barrier, the Egyptian army saw the Israelites on the other side and pursued them onto the sea floor where they were killed when the walls of water collapsed and they drowned under an avalanche of water.

When Satan later sent the Amalekites to destroy them, God once again intervened supernaturally, and although the Israelites were untrained in war, God gave them the victory. The faith of Moses and the willingness of the people to obey a God they did not really know was all that the Lord needed as He supplied the necessary supernatural events. God still works on the earth today and the formula remains the same.

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