Trail of Blood and Murder - Part 7

The Flaming Sword Newsletter

By John Torell

May 2004

Kofi Annan 2012 (1938-2018) seventh secretary-general of the United Nations from 1997 to 2006
Kofi Annan 2012 seventh secretary-general of the United Nations from 1997 to 2006

As events are developing in 2004, it becomes more and more evident that the current events in Iraq and the election campaign now raging in the United States are a repeat of events that took place some 50 years ago. The issues are the same, just new players with different names, but with the same ideology as the players of the 1950’s.

Dag Hammarskjold was a powerful international player that stood in the way of the policies of Israel. Since he could not be subdued and controlled, he was assassinated. The current Secretary General of the United Nations is Kofi Atta Annan who was born in Ghana, Africa in 1938.

He is the seventh Secretary General of the United Nations, one who is not bowing to the wishes of the Israeli leadership. The question is, how long will he live on this earth?

That this thought is not a far fetched idea can be seen in the recent assassination of the United Nations’ diplomat Sergio Vieira de Mello (born 1948 in Brazil). Sergio served in the United Nations for more than 30 years and was appointed UN high commissioner of human rights in 2002.

He studied at the University of Paris (Sorbonne), France and received a degree in philosophy in 1969 and a Ph.D. in 1974. Sergio served as a UN official in Bangladesh, Cyprus, Mozambique, Lima, Peru, Lebanon, Bosnia and Herzegovina and East Timor.

His character was similar to Dag Hammarskjold and he had become a very seasoned UN diplomat, knowing all the ins and outs of politics as being played by world leaders, including international Jewish leaders.

Flag over the transfer casket of UN Chief Ambassador to Iraq, Sergio Vieira de Mello, prior to a memorial service at the Baghdad International Airport. Sergio Vieira de Mello was a victim of a suicide truck bombing at the United Nations Office of Humanitarian Coordinator in Baghdad, Iraq
Flag over the transfer casket of UN Chief Ambassador to Iraq, Sergio Vieira de Mello, prior to a memorial service at the Baghdad International Airport. Sergio Vieira de Mello was a victim of a suicide truck bombing at the United Nations Office of Humanitarian Coordinator in Baghdad, Iraq

It was believed at the United Nations that Sergio would become Secretary General of the UN once Kofi Annan’s term was up. In 2003 Sergio became the director of the UN mission to Iraq, and was stationed in Baghdad as the personal representative for Kofi Annan. His orders were to stay in Iraq for four months and then return to his regular assignment as high commissioner.

At this time the UN had a total of 646 people working in Iraq, with 300 working in the UN headquarters in Baghdad. With a strong UN force in place, Sergio was working hard to prepare Iraq for elections and for the return of power from the United States as an occupier to a new Iraqi regime.

Being a seasoned diplomat, Sergio and his team were making great progress and thus became a threat, not only to the Saddam “diehards” and the fanatic Shiite Muslim leaders, but also to Israel which does not want to have a unified strong Iraq, but a fragmented nation, rife with civil strife between the Sunnis, Kurds and Shiites.

Who directed the assassination is not known, but on August 19, 2003 “terrorists” drove a large truck with explosives and detonated it on the side of the UN compound where Sergio had his personal office. Fourteen other UN officials were killed, and dozens injured. As a result Kofi Annan ordered all UN personnel out of Iraq and thus a quick return to Iraqi rule was lost. 1

Since I started out this series of A Trail Of Blood And Murder, it has become apparent to me, that in order to understand what is happening in 2004, I must lay a strong foundation of historic fact to give the reader a chance to grasp and understand current political and military events. So, bear with me as we journey through history. We will now pick up the story where we left it with the March 2004 Newsletter.

BACK TO 1956

England and France had issued an ultimatum to the Egyptian Government and the deadline for it had passed. It was Wednesday, October 31, 1956, and the presidential elections in the United States were only one week away. National leaders know that any United States president who is running for re-election is going to be extremely vulnerable and not want to do something drastic which might tip the election in favor of his opponent. So early in the morning, the British and French governments gave the order for the invasion fleet to start moving toward Egypt. It would take the British and French fleet six days to arrive and be ready to attack Egypt.

Dag Hammarskjold was forced to the sideline as head of the United Nations. All he could do at this point was to watch the “chess game” as it was played out by different national leaders from Israel, England, France and the Soviet Union. Egypt and Hungary were “laid out on the butcher’s block,” to be cut and carved out. The United States was tied up by the American Jewish lobby, which put immense pressure on President Eisenhower.


Dwight Eisenhower, Nikita Khrushchev, and their wives at state dinner 1959. From left to right: Nina Khrushcheva Mamie Eisenhower Nikita Khrushchev President Dwight Eisenhower
Dwight Eisenhower, Nikita Khrushchev, and their wives at state dinner 1959. From left to right: Nina Khrushcheva Mamie Eisenhower Nikita Khrushchev President Dwight Eisenhower

The Communist leaders in the Soviet Union knew that they would have six days to prepare the slaughter of the Hungarian freedom fighters. They wanted to time the attack to coincide with the British/French invasion of Egypt. That would tie the United States down and make it helpless.

Imre Nagy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the People's Republic of Hungary
Imre Nagy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the People’s Republic of Hungary FORTEPAN©2010-2014/CC-BY-SA-3.0

Nikita Khrushchev, who was the Soviet strongman at this time and his “side-kick” Nikolay Bulganin played a game of “chicken” with President Eisenhower. Both sides knew that they could not fight a war against each other, both in Eastern Europe and in the Middle East at the same time. If American troops entered into Hungary to help the freedom fighters, it would have meant nuclear war, and the same would hold true if the Soviet Union had sent troops to Egypt.

However, the Soviets threatened to send help to Egypt and this caused great concern for the American administration, with the result that the U.S. government “LET THE SOVIET GOVERNMENT UNDERSTAND, THAT THE U.S. WOULD NOT INTERVENE IN HUNGARY! This was a great betrayal, since it was the American CIA who had enlisted, trained and told the Hungarian freedom fighters to revolt against the Soviets.

By Wednesday October 31, the freedom fighters had taken over Hungary and the fighting had stopped. Hungarian Army units had switched sides to join the Freedom fighters. Imre Nagy (1896-1958) the Hungarian prime minister had abolished one party rule and demanded that Soviet troops withdraw from Hungary.

Soviet tanks began to withdraw from Budapest, the capital of Hungary and for the moment it looked like the Hungarians had won their freedom. Imre Nagy now proclaimed his intention to take Hungary out of the Warsaw Pact. 2

The Hungarian Army leadership released the Roman Catholic Cardinal, Josef Mindszenty, who at that time was 64 years old and had been put in prison by the Soviets in 1949 for what they called “anti-Soviet activities.” The Hungarian people were jubilant, and did not know that the ruthless Soviet ambassador to Hungary, Yuri Andropov (1914-1984), who later became the head of the dreaded KGB, was planning a crushing blow to the Hungarian uprising.

A Soviet tank attempts to clear a road barricade in Budapest, Hungary October 1956
A Soviet tank attempts to clear a road barricade in Budapest, Hungary October 1956
Murder of a Communist Hungary 1956
Murder of a Communist Hungary 1956. Source: American Hungarian Federation


The Israeli military command knew that their time of fighting would be limited, as the United States eventually would impose a cease fire on all of the combatants. The Israeli army consisted of 47,000 soldiers who had been intensively training to reach combat status. Opposing them were 30,000 Egyptian troops and the poorly trained Palestine division. Israel had total air superiority with 155 combat aircraft, plus 60 French jet fighters flown by French pilots.

Egypt could only muster 70 combat aircraft. Ariel “Arik” Sharon (born 1928 and current prime minister of Israel, 2004) was the commander of the 202nd Paratroop Brigade. His orders were to race as fast as his unit could move across the desert to meet up with the 1st Battalion of the 202nd brigade which had parachuted deep into Egyptian territory to take the Mitla Pass. The Israeli unit only met light resistance and was able, by Wednesday October 31, to reach the 1st Battalion. Sharon’s unit was now 80 miles away from the nearest Israeli army unit which were slower in advancing.

The Mitla pass looking east from the plain
The Mitla pass looking east from the plain Source: Library of Congress Eric and Edith Matson Photograph Collection

The Mitla Pass was defended by two Egyptian battalions and an Egyptian armored brigade operating 15 miles north of the Mitla Pass. As soon as Sharon had connected with the 1st battalion, he requested permission from the Israeli army command center to move toward the Mitla Pass and take it. His request was denied. He then asked for permission to send a reconnaissance unit toward the pass and this was granted.

Sharon disobeyed orders, instead moving a large force toward the pass and by midday the Israeli paratroopers entered the pass which is very narrow with steep canyon walls. A three mile section of the pass was only 150 feet wide. The Egyptian forces were dug in at this section and when the Israelis entered, they were fiercely resisted.

So many vehicles were destroyed that all radio contact with Sharon was lost. A runner was dispatched and Sharon then sent two reinforced companies to flush out the Egyptians. It took the Israelis two and a half hours of heavy hand-to-hand combat to kill or capture the Egyptian soldiers. A number of Israeli vehicles were destroyed and 38 Israeli soldiers were killed with 120 wounded. The Egyptians lost 150 soldiers, some of them killed after they had been captured.

Moshe Dayan Chief of Staff
Moshe Dayan Chief of Staff IDF Spokesperson’s Unit / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Israeli Army Chief of Staff Moshe Dayan (1915-1981) was not only leading a military campaign, he also had to make political decisions. He was told by the Israeli prime minister that England and France might back out at the last moment and therefore Dayan could not commit any tank units in the attack on Egypt, until it was clear if the English/French invasion would take place.

If England and France decided not to attack Egypt, then Israel would be in a very bad position politically. If no tanks were committed, Israel could lie and say that it was only “mopping up” Egyptian terrorists and then quickly withdraw its forces.

The attack on Egypt was a three pronged attack. In the south racing toward Sharm el-Sheikh was the 9th Mechanized Brigade under the command of Colonel Avraham Yoffe. Their drive toward the southern tip of Sinai was very hard since there was no road in place on this side of Sinai. The attack to the north of the Sinai desert was led by Colonel Yehudah Wallach and consisted of the 4th and 10th Infantry Brigades and the 7th Armored Brigade.

The Israeli force met fierce resistance from the Egyptian Army, and the overall commander of the Sinai forces, Brigadier General Assaf Simhoni, disregarded the order from General Dayan and ordered the 7th Armored Brigade into the battle at once. Dayan became extremely upset that he did not have control over his field commanders, but once the war had started there was nothing he could do about it. Egyptian forces resisted heavily and the Israelis were stalled by Wednesday evening.


Prime Minister David Ben Gurion 1951
Prime Minister David Ben Gurion 1951

The Israeli Prime Minister Ben Gurion was suffering from the flu, and he became very anxious as the day wore on. The ultimatum from England and France to Egypt had expired at six a.m. and by noon there were no British and French bombers over Egypt.

Gurion now expressed doubt to his staff that there would be an attack by England and France, and that Israel had been lured into a trap which could result in their being designated as an aggressor by the UN. The reader must understand that the British, French and Israeli governments were operating in secrecy because they had lied to the United Nations, to the U.S. government, and the international media.

The Mossad was not able to inform Ben Gurion quickly enough why the bombing had not started, and it was not safe for Ben Gurion to call his counterparts in London and Paris to find out what the problem was. Furthermore, the Sixth Fleet of the United States was slowly cruising around the coast of Egypt and Israel, and if the American president was provoked, it could mean a disaster for the Israeli forces moving in the Sinai Peninsula.

By three o’clock in the afternoon there were still no bombing, and Gurion got involved in a heated debate with his chief of staff. Gurion ordered that all Israeli troops withdraw from the Sinai Peninsula. Dayan refused to obey the order, and a compromise was struck: Israeli troops would stop advancing further into Egypt and only fight if they were attacked. Israeli army units would not go on the attack until bombing had begun by the British and the French.


The Anglo-French bombing had been delayed for two reasons. Originally the military planners in France and England had decided to send in the bombers at night to avoid losses to their aircraft. This had later been changed and orders were given to send the bombers out at daylight, the first wave taking off from the islands of Malta and Cyprus.

As the first wave of bombers took off, the British Prime Minister Eden learned from intelligence reports that the main airport outside of Cairo had 15 large U.S. Air Force transports on the ground to evacuate Americans and that the road to the airport was filled with buses carrying some 3000 American citizens from Alexandria. Eden panicked and ordered the Defense Minister, Anthony Head, to stop the bombers at any cost. At the last minute, radio messages reached the bombers and they turned quickly and returned to their bases without unloading their ordinance.

It was not until 7 p.m. Cairo time, 25 hours after the ultimatum had been delivered, that the bombing of Egypt began. For the next two days, 200 Canberras, Venoms and Valiants and 40 French Thunderstreaks bombed economic targets in Egypt and wiped out much of the Egyptian Air Force on the ground.

Flak damaged Sea Venom of 893 Squadron after landing on HMS EAGLE with no undercarriage. Members of the Flight Deck crew approach the aircraft after it has been brought to a standstill by the arrestor wires 4 November 1956
Flak damaged Sea Venom of 893 Squadron after landing on HMS EAGLE with no undercarriage 4 November 1956
Suez canal invasion Terminal Fire
Suez canal invasion Terminal fire
Troops of 3rd Battalion Parachute Regiment escort a captured Egyptian soldier on the beach at Port Said 5 November 1956
Troops of 3rd Battalion Parachute Regiment escort a captured Egyptian soldier on the beach at Port Said 5 November 1956


Prime Minister Eden had misled the British Parliament including his own conservative party. The Wednesday session of the Parliament became very tense as members of the Labor Party began to question the prime minister about what was happening in Egypt. Labor leader, Hugh Gaitskell (1906-1963), tried to have Prime Minister Eden inform the Parliament about British military plans, but Eden refused to answer:

Gaitskell then made the following public statement in the Parliament (House of Commons):

“This is really a fantastic situation. Not only Opposition members, but the whole House and the whole country are waiting for an answer to this question. I ask the prime minister again – I do not ask him to disclose troop movements – I ask him simply to tell the House, the country and the whole world whether the decision has been finally taken that British and French troops shall invade the Canal Zone.”

Eden refused to answer.

As the day wore on, members of the house continued to press Eden and his foreign minister, Selwyn Lloyd (1904-1978). Finally the question was asked by Gaitskell,

“Was there any secret agreement between Britain, France and Israel?”

Without hesitation, Lloyd lied publicly on the floor at the House of Commons, when he stated,

“There was no prior agreement between us about it.”

At 10:29 p.m. Lloyd officially announced to the Parliament that bombing had commenced against Egypt. A great commotion broke out and the House session was closed in disarray.

Anthony Eden received some more bad news during the day, his protégé, Anthony Nutting, a high official in the British Foreign Office resigned in protest of Eden’s policies in the Middle East. It is very interesting that both Eden and Lloyd denied their secret agreement with Israel until their deaths. The full truth was revealed in 1967, when Anthony Nutting went public and told the whole story. However, the British Government kept denying it.

Lord Mountbatten, First Sea Lord of the Admiralty and in charge of the British forces during the Suez crisis , recorded an interview with BBC which was to air after his death. When he died in 1979 the British Government ordered that the interview would not be aired to the public.

Lord Mountbatten had been a strong voice of dissent during the entire time, leading up to the invasion of Egypt. Whatever he said was damaging to the governments of England, France and Israel.

Admiral Louis Mountbatten with General of the Army Douglas MacArthur July 1944
Admiral Louis Mountbatten with General of the Army Douglas MacArthur July 1944
Robert Anthony Eden (1897 – 1977) was a British politician who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Leader of the Conservative Party from 1955 until his resignation in 1957
Robert Anthony Eden (1897 – 1977) was a British politician who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Leader of the Conservative Party from 1955 until his resignation in 1957
Hugh Todd Naylor Gaitskell(1906 - 1963) was a British politician who served as Leader of the Labor Party and Leader of the Opposition from 1955 until his death in 1963.
Hugh Todd Naylor Gaitskell (1906 - 1963) was a British politician who served as Leader of the Labor Party and Leader of the Opposition from 1955 until his death in 1963.


Kermit Roosevelt 1926
Kermit Roosevelt 1926

Few people have understood that in public politics there is another power which is the real power, directed by the World Government and carried out by different intelligence services from the nations in the world. In April, 1956, it was decided that Syria was to be destabilized and given a new regime. Agents from the British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) and the CIA met in London to discuss how they could stage a coup in Syria.

The project was led by George Kennedy Young, a deputy director of the SIS. Allen Dulles sent his personal undercover representatives for the Middle East, Wilbur Crane (Bill) Eveland and James Eichelberger from the Cairo CIA station to meet with the British. Young informed the American CIA agents, of a new British policy, calling for the subversion and overthrow of the governments in Syria, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. According to Young, these three nations were a threat to the national security of England.

The British plans did not fully line up with American policies. The two Dulles brothers were working on a plan to take out Nasser and replace him with the Royal Saudi family and thus they did not support the SIS plan for Saudi Arabia. The Dulles brothers had no love for Syria, thus the SIS and the CIA started planning to overthrow the Syrian government. At this time, Iraq had a pro-British government so the British intelligence services operated freely in Iraq.

The Syrian Government had been working with Russia and Czechoslovakia to build a huge refinery in Syria. This was not acceptable to the Western powers. There were two powerful American oil companies operating in Iraq, Standard Oil of New Jersey (Exxon) and Mobil, which were part owners of Iraq Petroleum Company. The Dulles brothers, who were setting the policies for President Eisenhower, had a problem; the U.S. Congress was not interested in aid to any Arab country. The Dulles brothers then came up with a solution, Congress would be bypassed and money would be used from a secret CIA fund to put in a bid to build the refinery in Syria.

By secretly funding the bid from the American Oil Companies, the Communists would be undercut. Bill Eveland came to Washington D.C. on July 20, 1956 and had a meeting with Herbert Hoover Jr., Undersecretary of State and Allen Dulles, where he was informed about the scheme for the refinery. On his way back to Beirut, Syria, he stopped in London and again met with George Young.

The British intelligence officer complained that the U.S. was not moving fast enough on Syria. Eveland then flew on to Beirut, where he met on July 23 with the CIA director for the Middle East, Kermit Roosevelt, the latter working to set up the new American policies. Eveland was then told that the CIA had selected Mikhail Ilyan, a Syrian and the leader of the National Party and a former foreign minister of Syria, to become the new leader of Syria as soon as a coup could be staged. Ilyan was a rich landowner and well connected within, political circles in Syria. He was not a Muslim, but a Christian and thus more benevolent toward Israel.

But on Wednesday, October 31, 1956, a very angry Mikhail Ilyan confronted Bill Eveland in Beirut and declared:

“Thanks to God I’m alive to see you and say what a terrible thing you and your government did. The Israelis are right now headed for the Suez Canal! How could you have asked us to overthrow our government at the exact moment when Israel started a war with an Arab state?”

The curtain of the SIS/CIA plot for Syria was closed and the intelligence agents had to leave “with egg on their faces.” Exxon and Mobil had to take a back seat to the State of Israel.


Official Portrait of U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower May-29-1959
Official Portrait of U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower May-29-1959

During the day of October 31, Eisenhower’s anger had subsided and he was feeling somewhat depressed. In a telephone conversation with Senator Knowland who had called the president from California, Eisenhower made the following statement:

“It is difficult for us to put ourselves in their (the British) shoes. I think they made a bad error from their own viewpoint. I think it is the biggest error of our time, outside of losing China. I am afraid of what will happen. But don’t condemn the British too bitterly.”

The United States introduced a resolution in the Security Council of the UN for the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Egypt and the end of hostilities from England and France toward Egypt. According to his staff, President Eisenhower’s mood improved after he was informed that Dag Hammarskjold had handed a note to the United States’ permanent representative to the United Nations, Henry Cabot Lodge (1902-1985).

Here is what Hammarskjold wrote:

“This is one of the darkest days in postwar times. Thank God you have played the way you have. This will win you many friends.”

The ambassador from Colombia had told Lodge that 21 Latin American countries were behind the President as never before. Support had been received from diplomats in Africa, Asia, Europe and Canada. Even the Soviet Union had lined up with the United States. But the Jewish Lobby in Washington D.C. was not pleased with Eisenhower and the pressure was applied hard for the president to back off and give Israel support in its war with Egypt.

The vice president at this time was Richard Nixon (1913-1994) and he was not a friend of the State of Israel. The administration staff considered Nixon to be a “hothead,” who had to be controlled. Nixon had called Secretary of State John Foster Dulles during the day and said that he wanted to use the Suez crisis as a campaign issue during the last days of the presidential campaign. Dulles told Nixon to be moderate, but Nixon objected to this.

Instead he said this:

“What’s wrong with condemning Britain and France?”

Dulles replied:

“Nothing particularly – it it’s in moderation. We are of the same civilization, the same beliefs and so on. The President has said throughout he wants to do what is right regardless of the election. He will not sacrifice foreign policy for political expediency.”

Nixon replied:

“How do you analyze it politically?”


“You are the political expert.”


We will lose some Israeli votes.”

Wednesday was a very busy day at the White House. Eisenhower had decided to cancel any further campaigning for his re-election bid and would instead address the nation. The following information will show us again that an American president is not really in charge, but it is his handlers who are setting the policies. John Foster Dulles was in charge of the speech, and the professional speech writer, Emmet Hughes, was the editor. At 3:15 p.m. Hughes was given the draft written by Dulles, but it was too rambling to be used. Eisenhower ordered a new speech, with the telecast scheduled for 7:00 p.m. Dulles and Hughes met in the Cabinet room, while Eisenhower was outside playing golf.

Dwight D. Eisenhower and John Foster Dulles Meeting, 08/14/1956
Dwight D. Eisenhower and John Foster Dulles Meeting, 08/14/1956

As Hughes was re-writing the speech, Dulles was reading it page by page, and a number of changes were made. Forty five minutes before air time, Hughes went to the president’s bedroom to show him the final draft of the speech. Eisenhower read it aloud while he was dressing and said that he liked the speech. His comment to Hughes was this:

“I want to be sure we show clearly in here how vital we think our alliances are. Those British – they’re still my right arm.”

Fifteen minutes before Eisenhower was going to speak to the American people, he arrived at the Oval Office. During this time Hughes was underlining with grease pencil the parts of the speech which the president was to emphasize, handing the president one page at a time. Four minutes before seven, Eisenhower received the last page and made this remark: “Boy, this is taking it right off the stove, isn’t it?”

Eisenhower was a good actor, and he spoke with a strong voice, being confident, and his face calm and serious. He told the American people that he had not been “consulted in any way about any phase of the Anglo-French-Israeli attacks,” and that he thought them in error.

“To say this is in no way to minimize our friendship with these nations, nor our determination to maintain those friendships. We are fully aware of the grave anxieties of Israel, of Britain and France. We know that they have been subjected to grave and repeated provocations. Nonetheless, the United Nations represents the soundest hope for peace in the world.”

What the president said in reality was, that as the American president he had been kept in the dark and had no clue as to what was happening in the Middle East. Once he found out, he was not happy, but nevertheless the U.S. would back the three nations who had attacked Egypt. It was a blatant lie that Egypt had provoked the three nations to attack.

Eisenhower also mentioned Hungary in his speech. He praised the Soviets for their withdrawal of tanks from Budapest and assured the Communists that the U.S. had no interest in pulling Hungary into NATO. Thus the American president sealed the fate of the Hungarian people by letting the Communists know that regardless what the Soviets did in Hungary, the U.S. would not intervene.


Billy Graham and Richard Nixon August 10, 1971
Billy Graham and Richard Nixon August 10, 1971

It is extremely interesting that in 1972 when Richard Nixon was president, he met with Billy Graham (Born 1918) in the Oval Office and the following conversation was recorded on audio tape, which was released by the National Archives in February 2002, when more than 500 hours of audio recording from the Nixon presidency was made available to the public.

During their private conversation in the Oval Office Billy Graham expressed disdain for what he saw as Jewish domination of the media in the United States. In Graham’s own words:

“This stranglehold has got to be broken or this country is going down the drain.”


“You believe that?”


“Yes, sir.”


“Oh boy. So do I. But I can’t ever say that, but I believe it.”


“No, but if you get elected a second time, then we might be able to do something.”

At a later point in their conversation Nixon raises the subject of Jewish influence in Hollywood and to this Graham responds:

“A lot of Jews are great friends of mine. They swarm around me and are friendly to me. Because they know that I am friendly to Israel …. so forth. But they don’t know how I really feel about what they’re doing to this country, and I have no power and no way to handle them.”


“You must not let them know.”

The American (Jewish) media later picked up this story. Comments like this from the well known world evangelist were extremely damaging to the Jewish leadership so pressure was applied to Graham. On Friday, March 1, 2002 Billy Graham issued a press release, which stated the following:

“Although I have no memory of the occasion, I deeply regret comments I apparently made in an Oval Office conversation with President Nixon some 30 years ago. They do not reflect my views and I sincerely apologize for any offense caused by the remarks. Throughout my ministry, I have sought to build bridges between Jews and Christians. I will continue to strongly support all future efforts to advance understanding and mutual respect between our communities.”

When this press release was made public, Billy Graham was 83 years old and in bad health, battling Parkinson’s disease. Whether the press release came from Billy Graham or from his “handlers” is up to each reader to judge. The facts remain, Billy Graham spoke forcefully about the Jews in 1972, but in 2002 he cannot remember even having said this. This incident again shows the power of the American Jewish leadership and that even powerful politicians and religious leaders will bow to their demands.


As economic targets and military installations were being bombed in Egypt, which resulted in the death of many civilians, the House of Commons was called into a session which became so stormy, that it had to be closed down. Members of the Parliament cried aloud and called Prime Minister Eden and his party “fascists, cowards and murderers.” When Eden entered the chamber he was booed as the opposition demanded to know what kind of policies were being carried out.

Labor leader, Aneurin Bevan (1897-1960), gave an intense speech in which he strongly chastised Eden and his party for attacking Egypt and lining up with France and Israel. As Egypt at this time stood alone, he reminded them that England had stood alone in 1940 against the onslaught of Nazi Germany. He then said:

“Then we had honor on our side.”

He compared Britain’s ultimatum to Egypt with Germany’s to Norway in 1940. He then stated this:

“We have only to substitute Egypt for Norway. It is exactly the same thing. It is the language of the bully.”

A Labor motion to censure Eden failed 324 to 255, which was a vote along party lines. On the streets of London and in other cities people went out en masse, demonstrating against the shameful attack on Egypt by England. Eden become a prime minister under siege and the British people were in an uproar.

In the meantime, the bombing continued and the British/French invasion fleet was steaming full speed toward Egypt where a number of soldiers on all sides would die, including hundreds of civilians, many of those being children. The Jewish World Government had spoken, Israel needed more land and it did not matter how many people died as long as land was added to Israel.

And Christian Zionists proclaim that it is the will of God for Israel to expand and take back the land that God had once given to Israel.

But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day. And it shall be, if thou do at all forget the Lord thy God, and walk after other gods, and serve them, and worship them, I testify against you this day that ye shall surely perish. As the nations which the Lord destroyed before your face, so shall ye perish; because ye would not be obedient unto the voice of the Lord your God. Deuteronomy 8:18-20

1. It is important for the reader to remember that during the last 12 months the Israeli government has ordered the assassination of several top leaders in the Palestinian Hamas movement, and that the Israelis have been very successful in killing a number of Hamas leaders.

2. This was the Soviet counterpart to NATO, and was made up of the Soviet Union and all Communist Eastern European countries.

But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.

And it shall be, if thou do at all forget the Lord thy God, and walk after other gods, and serve them, and worship them, I testify against you this day that ye shall surely perish.

As the nations which the Lord destroyeth before your face, so shall ye perish; because ye would not be obedient unto the voice of the Lord your God.

Trail Of Blood And Murder Part 1
The recent murder of the Swedish Foreign Minister, Anna Lindh, brought to my memory a number of prominent Swedes who had been murdered over the years. This murder took place in Stockholm , Sweden, September 10, 2003, when she was stabbed with a knife in an upscale department store. She was taken to a hospital, but after many hours of surgery, she died early in the morning of September 11, 2003. 1 Anna Lindh was a strong anti-Zionist, and as the foreign minister of Sweden since 1998, she had carried out the policies of the Swedish Social Democratic Government. In an interview in October 2001, she made the following remarks: "Israeli settlements on the West Bank must go; there must be a Palestinian state; Israel must vacate occupied areas on the West Bank and the Gaza strip and all extra-territorial executions and attacks on Palestinians must cease; this should be done immediately."
Trail Of Blood And Murder Part 2
Folke Bernadotte was a Swedish man was born in Stockholm, Sweden on January 2, 1895. He was a member of the Swedish royal family, his father was the brother of the Swedish King Gustav V. As was the custom in European royal families, Folke entered the Swedish Army as a young man and in 1918 was commissioned at the age of 23 years as an officer. Bernadotte and Raul Wallenberg who was 17 years his junior, were both working the last years of World War II to rescue people from the Nazi death machine. Wallenberg in Hungary and Bernadotte in Germany itself. On April 24, 1945, the German Nazi leader, Heinrich Himmler, contacted Folke Bernadotte and asked him to contact the British and American governments and offer a plan for Germany to unconditionally surrender to these two nations in return for the American and British forces to join the German army in its fight against the Soviet Union. The offer was turned down.
Trail Of Blood And Murder Part 3
So far we have followed the trail of blood and murder of prominent Swedes from the murder of Sweden’s Foreign Minister, Anna Lindh, who died September 12, 2003. We then moved back in time and took a look at the murder of the Swedish business tycoon, Ivar Kreuger, who was murdered in Paris, France March 12, 1932. Then we looked at the murder of the Swedish diplomat, Raul Wallenberg, who was murdered in a Soviet prison sometime around the 1970's. In the November 2003 newsletter, the murder of the Swedish United Nations’ mediator, Folke Bernadotte, on September 17, 1948 in Jerusalem was examined. The next murder victim on the trail of blood and murder leads us to the Swedish diplomat, DAG HAMMARSKJOLD. Since this murder took place 42 years ago, it is important that the reader be given a fairly complete background on the man, his family roots, education and accomplishments before he was killed. Much of the information released in this newsletter was not known to the general public when these events took place.
Trail Of Blood And Murder Part 4
Just like Bernadotte, Hammarskjold had now collided head on with the Zionist leaders of Israel and ultimately this would lead to his death in 1961. The world situation in 1956 was very unstable. President Eisenhower had suffered a heart attack on September 23, 1955, but recovered. He was now in the process of running for a second term as President of the United States, which meant that most of his energies were spent in raising money for his election campaign and campaigning. Eisenhower was in a weakened condition, so he had the two Dulles brothers running the affairs of the United States: John Foster Dulles (1888-1959) was Secretary of State from 1953 to 1959 and Allen W. Dulles (1893-1969) was director of the CIA from 1953 to 1961. Eisenhower and the people in the world did not know that the Dulles brothers worked hard to foment attacks on the Communists in Poland and Hungary, using CIA agents and money. When the uprising took place in the latter part of 1956, all the support promised to the freedom fighters was withheld, and thousands upon thousands died under the tracks of Soviet tanks or were shot in the back of their heads.
Trail Of Blood And Murder Part 5
As Polish and Hungarian men and women rose up against the Soviet butchers in Poland and Hungary, the leaders of Israel completed the final details for the war with Egypt. The whole free world was watching the fighting in Eastern Europe, and it gave Ben Gurion and his military planners the cover for the war they had worked so hard to start. In order to understand what kind of weapons and technology was available to the different nations at this time (1956), let us look at these facts: There were no satellites available as we know it today - The Soviet Union put the first satellite into orbit on October 4, 1957 when they were able to launch the first "Sputnik." It was a 184 pound capsule which circled the earth every 96 minutes. It stayed in orbit until 1958 when it fell back into the atmosphere and burned up.
Trail Of Blood And Murder Part 6
It was the murder of the Swedish Foreign Minister Anna Lindh that motivated me to write this series on the murder of prominent Swedes who had become well known in international circles. As I began this project, the facts began to mount up that all these murders were somehow connected to the State of Israel and Jewish world policies. When I came to the life and the murder of Dag Hammarskjold, the documental material became overwhelming, his murder was a part of a ten year period which shaped the world policies as of today, 2004. The Holy Spirit made it clear to me that I was not to quickly scan the situation to show how Hammarskjold was murdered, but to detail the facts that shaped this man’s life and why the world leaders deemed it necessary to murder him in order to cover their actions and make it possible to force their policies upon the people in the world.

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