Destroying the Works of the Devil

Part 6: The Weapon of Choice

In order to destroy the works of the Devil, you need to know his tactics. The Bible says that “…the joy of the Lord is my strength,” but most people don’t pursue it and so their lives are mediocre and they function through sheer discipline.

In order for the Devil to attack you, he must first take away your joy so that you will be open to the filth which he will put into your mind. Praise is an offensive weapon because it is not an emotion but a choice. Praise doesn’t look at circumstances and it drives away all fear.

Satan is therefore unable to penetrate your shield of faith when you praise the Lord because praise is born out of faith and this is what the joy of the Lord will do for you. Think of this the next time you’re at the corner of Praise Avenue and Complaining Court, which way will you go?

RLJ-1245 -- JULY 4, 2010

Sermon Outlines

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