The Truth About the Corona Virus Covid 19

By John Torell

RLJ-1744 -- FEBRUARY 23, 2020

In the future, there will be a catastrophic event that forces every nation to surrender their sovereignty and accept a global leader, who will facilitate the creation of a world federation. It has been previously assumed that a nuclear war be the trigger but what about a deadly virus?

What if a nation engaged in biological warfare research accidentally released a virus that spread throughout the world? That is the scenario being played out right now. The epicenter of the Corona virus is Wuhan, China. Biological warfare is nothing new and has been practiced for centuries when besieging armies launched infected bodies over the walls to weaken the defenders and decimate their numbers.

The Nazis conducted chemical and biological experiments on concentration camp inmates during WWII and select men were shielded from prosecution in Operation Paperclip to aid the American weapons program. Only time will tell if the Corona virus becomes a pandemic. It could be the catastrophic event that launches the Antichrist to power.

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