The Teachings of Jesus

I Am The Lord, I Change Not Part 8

The only distinction between Old and New Testament believers is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, which began after the resurrection of Jesus. When our Savior walked on the earth, He set the agenda for the Kingdom of God at the outset of His ministry but the people longed for a return to the way it was under Israel’s first three kings.

Jesus wasn’t militant and fixated on taking political control; instead, He was meek and steadfast in faith. The people wanted to restore the Kingdom of Israel but that simply wasn’t part of Jesus’ program. He expanded on the sixth and seventh commandments and said that there was more to them than just murder and adultery.

Jesus also spoke about divorce and addressed the rampant corruption that existed in Israel with people using an oath to wiggle themselves out of obligations. He specified how we ought to conduct relationships when there is personal injury and the power of unconditional love. It is impossible to live the way Jesus mandated through sheer willpower; the only way you can do so is in the power of the Holy Spirit, and in doing so, you will become the person Jesus wants you to be.

RLJ-1529 -- JANUARY 3, 2016

Sermon Outline

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