The Rebellion Continues

Biblical Truth Concerning the State of Israel Part 9B

This last message is designed to take you on an investigational timeline of the Jewish people from 325 A.D. to 1948 and how the history of the Jews has shaped the world. Pastor John begins with the formation of Islam in the 6th century, the importance of the Khazars in the 8th century and the crusades of the 11th century.

Then he moves to the Fugger family in 14th century and Martin Luther’s relationship with the German Jews in the 16th century. He also explains how Sabbatai Zevi claimed to be the Messiah in 1666 and how his movement eventually gave birth to the present day World Zionist Federation that forever changed the destiny of the world.

This message was packed with important information that will take time to process, research and understand; nevertheless, it is imperative because the Antichrist is coming and you need to be ready.

RLJ-1181 -- APRIL 12, 2009

Sermon Outlines

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