The Doomed Remnant

The Origin Story of Jesus Part 67

The remnant of Jews left behind after the Babylonian invasion wanted to flee to Egypt to escape their wrath after Ishmael assassinated the governor appointed by Nebuchadnezzar. Jeremiah warned them not to go. Then they doubled down on their folly by abducting God’s prophet, going so far as to reveal they were secret Kabbalist’s who worshiped the queen of heaven.

Eventually, they stoned Jeremiah when he continued to prophesy against their actions. The remnant rebuilt their lives within the relative safety of Egypt’s borders until the Babylonians invaded 21 years later and Jeremiah’s prophecies were fulfilled.

God’s plan was to move a remnant of Jews to Babylon, not to Egypt, and this is why the majority were slain because they continued to disobey the Lord. This begs the question, are you in God’s will, or just doing your own thing like the remnant that ultimately leads to nowhere?

RLJ-1858 -- MAY 1, 2022

Sermon Outline

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