The Hell Gospel

The Origin Story of Jesus Part 58

The wrath of God fell upon Israel four years into Hezekiah’s reign. Why was God so angry with the northern kingdom? All nineteen kings worshiped idols and the majority embraced the two golden calves, but God was provoked because of an explosive secret that came into existence after the Israelites left Egypt.

The hell gospel is known as secret knowledge among its practitioners and it became the root of idol worship. Several Old Testament prophets spoke against it, John the Baptist identified it, and Jesus described it as the synagogue of Satan.

The Kabbalah is a malevolent rabbit trail of spiritual confusion because their messiah is a holy serpent and they want to make everyone evil. The Bible condemns sin, but the hell gospel glorifies it!

The majority of Christians don’t know this false gospel exists and yet it was the ruin of Israel and Judah, led to the crucifixion of Jesus, and will be the doctrine that ushers in the Antichrist.

RLJ-1847 -- FEBRUARY 13, 2022

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