The Kings of Judah - Abijah

The Origin Story of Jesus Part 49

Abijah burned in lust just like his father. He married 14 women and sired 22 sons and 16 daughters. The Bible doesn’t record his age, but he became a powerful king. During his short three-year reign, Abijah set out to bring the northern tribes under his control and restore the unity of the splintered nation from the time of Joshua.

He willfully ignored the Word of God when he presumed to lecture King Jeroboam that the nation had been divided because of the sins of the kings and the people. He completely disregarded the fact that it had been prophetically recorded during his grandfather’s reign that Israel would secede from Judah and Benjamin during his father’s reign.

Abijah came to the throne because of God’s promises to King David. He started out with godly zeal, but his acceptance of idolatry and demon worship dramatically shortened his life.

RLJ-1838 -- DECEMBER 12, 2021

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