The Kings of Israel - Ahab and Jezebel

The Origin Story of Jesus Part 40

King Ahab was the personification of evil. He was raised with idol worship that involved human sacrifice and marrying a Baal priestess indicated that he was a fanatical servant of the demon god. Jesus sent Elijah with a message of repentance but the prophet was blamed for the drought that came about as a result of Ahab’s disobedience.

Israel was saved twice when it was attacked by Syria despite the fact that Ahab openly served the kingdom of Lucifer. Sadly, Ahab continued to be loyal to Baal despite these victories. Elijah’s demonstration of power on Mount Carmel was certainly impressive and the slaying of the prophets of Baal did nothing to convince the king that he was on the wrong side.

Ahab and Jezebel lived a life of luxury but the seventh king of Israel accomplished nothing of value. He enjoyed money, fame and sexual gratification, but his life was a colossal waste of time. Ahab was a loser in every sense of the word, bringing nothing of spiritual value to the people of Israel and this is why his bloodline would be wiped out by God.

RLJ-1829 -- OCTOBER 10, 2021

Sermon Outline

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