Life After Pentecost


RLJ-1729 -- NOVEMBER 10, 2019

When Peter and John stopped to heal a lame man on their way to the temple, it was a ticket of sorts for them to enter the home turf of the ungodly Jewish leadership. The common people were excited because they were familiar with the crippled man and the Devil realized that things were getting out of control.

The Sadducees understood an extraordinary miracle had occurred but they still arrested Peter and John for preaching about Jesus’ resurrection. The next day when they were brought before the Sanhedrin, the Holy Spirit rose up in Peter to rebuke this synagogue of Satan. It drove these wicked men crazy as they watched the disciples of Jesus running around performing miracles they could not emulate themselves.

The Devil only has variations of the same program – steal, kill and destroy – and eventually he was able to create strife within the church and have Stephen and James murdered. The death and resurrection of Jesus opened the door to heaven and the New Testament church was born through the magnificent baptism of the Holy Spirit which endows all believers with supernatural power. It’s just a matter of following the instructions found in the Bible.

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