Compassion for Humanity


RLJ-1716 -- AUGUST 11, 2019

Jesus had supernatural powers with which He used to further His earthly ministry. There is no doubt that Jesus enjoyed healing people and took great effort to heal as many lepers as possible, commanding the disciples to do the same.

When a Roman centurion approached Jesus about healing his servant, Jesus granted the request and scolded the Jews for their unbelief. When Jesus visited the house of Peter and found his mother-in-law sick in bed, He healed her at once. The people in Capernaum brought every sick and demon possessed person to Jesus and He ministered to every person until they all were healed and set free of demons.

Lepers were healed, blind received sight, the lame walked, and those possessed with evil spirits were set free. This is the compassion Jesus showed some 2,000 years ago.

The Son of God is now seated in heaven, interceding for His people on earth. How do you fit into the equation? Are you exhibiting the same compassion? Are you working with Jesus?

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