The Kabbalah Book 4: The Stealth Takeover of the United States

The Kabbalah Book 4: The Stealth Takeover of the United States
By John Torell

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How the Kaballistic Jews Conducted their Stealth Takeover of the United States

The Kabbalistic Jews learned through the Rothschild takeover of the European banking system to disguise themselves and find Gentiles who are willing to do their bidding. Another lesson they learned was that it is impossible for any nation or group of people to take control of the world through military power. The only way to succeed is to take control of the different nations’ monetary systems and forge them into a global banking and trade system. Once this has been achieved, food is the ultimate weapon since no one can live without it.

The stealth takeover of the United States was done by Gentile businessmen, lawyers, elected political leaders, educators, Christian ministers and military commanders who were willing to carry out orders that included shooting on the American people to make them comply. This book takes you from 1828 until 1907 and shows the treason, sellouts and the rape of the American people that were carried out in such a remarkable way that no one could resist it and survive.

God was also carrying out a parallel program through D.L. Moody and R.A. Torrey, who were used to bring millions of people in the United States and England to Christ and hindered the ultimate goal of the Jewish world leaders of ushering in their new world order. Ironically, the same tactics employed more than a hundred years ago are still being foisted upon us today and the old adage is still true that those who don’t know their history are doomed to repeat it.

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