The Great Commission

The Gospel of Matthew Part 29

Denominations send out missionaries, but the instructions to these men and women are a far cry from what Jesus told the apostles. It is useful to learn a new language, study the culture, and visit the sick. But Jesus said to preach the Gospel, and in doing so, cast out demons, heal the sick, open the eyes of the blind, and cure the lepers.

The ungodly Jewish leadership 2,000 years ago could not stop the Jesus movement despite their best efforts. It was impossible to debunk the testimony of former demoniacs, discredit sight being restored to the blind, lepers being cleansed was evident to everyone, and the resurrection of the dead was impossible to disregard.

The awesome power associated with the baptism of the Holy Spirit could not be ignored by the Devil. It took a little time, but he managed to convince Christians that miracles are no longer needed. Sadly, nothing comes close to replacing the raw supernatural power of the Holy Spirit.

RLJ-1925 -- AUGUST 13, 2023

Sermon Outline

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