The Golden Rule

The Gospel of Matthew Part 20

Jesus emphasized it is important to treat others in the same way you want to be treated. The golden rule is a spiritual law, but it doesn’t save anyone because only repentance and faith in Jesus brings salvation. The Son of God emphasized that the road to heaven is narrow in comparison to the broad road that leads to hell.

The road to destruction is wide and easy to navigate. The God-man warned that false prophets would arise to spread their diabolical beliefs, cause great damage to the church, and convince many to follow them. This warning was echoed by the apostles Peter, John, and Paul.

Time has confirmed the words of Jesus as Luciferian agents with pernicious doctrines have blinded the eyes of the unsaved down through the centuries. Billions of people never heard about God’s redemption plan and hell overflows with mislead people who were denied the Gospel!

RLJ-1915 -- JUNE 4, 2023

Sermon Outline

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