Let's Talk About Sex

The Gospel of Matthew Part 14

Jesus knew that sexual pleasure was a weakness of the human race. He knew that erotic activity started in the mind of a man when he saw a woman and lusted after her. Thus, He enhanced the seventh commandment, affirming it was not enough to simply refrain from promiscuity, but lusting after a woman made you just as guilty.

Jesus was about thirty years old when He taught the sermon on the mountain. The God-man was a healthy male virgin and He was tempted just like everyone else. He said it was better to pluck out your eye or cut off your hand if you’re addicted to pornography and masturbation because it leads to affliction by evil spirits.

Furthermore, the commercialization of sexual gratification has been exploited and Americans spend billions of dollars every year on paraphernalia. There is an epidemic of sex addiction in the churches and pastors aren’t even talking about it.

RLJ-1908 -- APRIL 16, 2023

Sermon Outline

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