The Final Chapter

Back to the Book of Acts Part 49

Paul was shipwrecked on the island of Melita. While sitting next to a fire, he was bit by a poisonous snake with no ill effect. This miracle gave him the opportunity to witness to the natives with many healings but Luke doesn’t record any new believers.

Once he arrived in Italy, Paul was greeted by many Christians and greatly encouraged. There he invited the Jewish leadership of Rome to his rented dwelling even though there was a possibility they might use their influence to imprison and kill him.

Paul truly loved and desired to share Christ with his people. Luke doesn’t say anymore about Paul and Pastor John finishes his story using historical facts and Paul’s own writings to show how his life ended. The Book of Acts is now closed but did you know books are still being written for every believer?

RLJ-1189 -- JUNE 7, 2009


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