Part 2: The Coming World Religion

RLJ-1479 -- JANUARY 18, 2015

Who will Antichrist be? Where will he come from? What will his religion be and how will he control the world? The Bible answers all of these questions and even provides his sexual preference.

The Man of Sin will exalt himself above all gods and reject the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He will honor Satan, embrace homosexuality, present himself as a global messiah and use finances to control the world’s population.

When it comes to religion, the Antichrist will announce he is Jewish, just not a practicing one. This means that the Son of Perdition will respect the world’s religions and outwardly convey there is something good to be found in each belief system. He will present the false prophet as his religious assistant and their priority will be to create a one-world religion to halt the different wars that have raged because of religious beliefs.

Regardless of the religious blend, the Kabbalah will be pushed to the forefront as the Antichrist consolidates his grip on the world and many people will flock to this charismatic leader because they have been spiritually blinded by the Devil’s puppet. Christians need to open their spiritual eyes and begin to exercise discernment. You don’t want to be the blind leading the blind in the end times!

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