The Old Testament

The Birth of Christianity Part 5

RLJ-1301 -- July 31, 2011

The Gentile Christians were ignorant of the Old Testament and did not have access to the scrolls in the synagogues, so it was necessary for the apostles to write down the doctrine of the Christian faith and explain how the Old Testament pertained to them. The rabbinical leaders had divided the Old Testament into three parts: the Law, the Prophets and the Writings.

The Law was yet further divided into three parts consisting of the Moral Law, the Practical Law and the Sacrificial Law. This division was accepted by Jesus and was used in setting forth his doctrine. There is very little teaching on this subject in the Christian churches today and most believers in Christ like to claim every positive promise in the Old Testament but in the same breath many will declare that the curses of God are no longer valid.

The doctrine of the Christian church is found in the New Testament written by the apostles, and if the Old Testament was good for them, is it not also good for us? It is therefore to comprehend which parts of the Old Testament are still valid is crucial for living a victorious life in Christ.


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