How To Be Set Free

The Bible and Homosexuality Part 2

RLJ-1461 -- SEPTEMBER 14, 2014

Proponents of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender lifestyle say they can’t help that they are born with a same sex attraction and many of them have compelling testimonies. Conversely, the Bible says that homosexuality is a choice and condemns the lifestyle as an abomination.

So who are we to believe? Do we take the word of mankind or believe the Word of God? The answer from a Christian perspective is not popular with those who embrace it as an alternative lifestyle. You make choices every day regarding what to eat, where to go, what to say, etc. and there are consequences for every action you make.

If indeed it is a choice, how is homosexuality any different than lying, stealing, idolatry, adultery or murder? If you choose to break God’s physical and spiritual laws, why would God behave in a manner that is not consistent with His character?

Any homosexual person seeking the Lord must ask themselves if their lifestyle is sinful. If God abhors the practice, then where did this counterfeit lifestyle originate? Christians must be willing to stand up for the truth or face the consequences of our inaction.

Sermon Outline

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