As Abraham’s life was coming to an end, God gave him the final task of selecting a wife for Isaac but neither of them was allowed by God to go to Haran. Abraham lived for another 35 years after Rebekah had been united with Isaac, but instead of using them to know God better and share his knowledge with the people around him, Abraham became obsessed with sex and fathered many children.
His third marriage yielded six children and he had a number of slave women with whom he had children as well. Abraham didn’t understand that his unique calling to produce one seed, not many, would be used to form the children of Israel, and eventually Jesus who would be the cornerstone for the Church.
In closing the message, Pastor John shows how a true relationship between God and man sets the standard and gives you four points on how to have a relationship with those around you that pleases God.
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All scripture references are taken from the King James Bible
European American Evangelistic Crusades (EAEC), Inc.
P.O. Box 166
Sheridan, CA 95681
USA (916) 944-3724