What God Intended

Relationships That Please God Part 1C

With the looming threat of a swine flu outbreak and a contaminated vaccine, Pastor John begins this message with a strong warning about how we have come to the place where Christian’s will have to stand on Mark chapter 16, verse 16. He then proceeds into the sermon and makes a strong presentation about how God is holy and we must worship Him in spirit and in truth.

This means respecting and obeying His laws because they are also holy. Murder was the second sinful act after the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden and a destroyer of the fabric of society. In conjunction with this topic, Pastor John brings up the abomination conducted in the United States this week, as an elaborate Roman Catholic funeral was broadcast on all television channels with the message that Ted Kennedy is now in heaven.

What was not told is the role he played in legislating pro-abortion laws in the U.S. and the 50 million babies that have been murdered as a result. Pastor John closes the sermon with a discussion of the domestic laws that God gave to Moses and how they are the foundation for secular laws in England and the United States.

RLJ-1201 -- August 30, 2009

Sermon Outlines

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