There is a series of preordained events that commences with the long tyrannical reign of an evil man whom the Bible calls the Man of Sin. This leads to the catching away toward the end of the Antichrist’s reign just before the Great Tribulation begins and the wrath of God is poured out upon the earth.
The Judgment Seat of Christ begins after our arrival in heaven as we receive glorified bodies and are judged according to what we did on earth. This leads to the marriage of Jesus to his bride with an amazing feast afterwards. The Antichrist’s day of reckoning finally arrives as Jesus returns with the armies of heaven and the battle of Armageddon takes place.
The Antichrist and False Prophet are defeated and cast into the Lake of Fire and Satan and his fallen angels are taken to the bottomless pit. Jesus restores the earth to its former glory and it is heaven on earth for the next 1,000 years until Satan is loosed a final time to entice the people born during this period and this leads to the last war on earth.
The Devil is finally thrown into the Lake of Fire at the Great White Throne Judgment along with anyone who took the Mark of the Beast and anyone whose name is not found in the Book of Life. God will then dissolve the universe and we will enter a new creation and eternal life truly begins.
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All scripture references are taken from the King James Bible
European American Evangelistic Crusades (EAEC), Inc.
P.O. Box 166
Sheridan, CA 95681
USA (916) 944-3724