The Armor of God

Paul's Letter to the Ephesians Part 10

RLJ-1324 -- JANUARY 8, 2012

When it comes to spiritual combat, it is vital to put on every piece of armor God has provided if you want to have a chance at fighting and winning. Many people believe that if they don’t bother the Devil, he won’t bother them, but this is a lie which Satan loves.

Whether you realize it or not, you have been dragged into the war that Satan is waging against the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, and you need to fight or you will be taken captive. Having the right equipment and accurate information is not enough by itself; it must also be teamed up with prayer for guidance and power.

Prayer should be used to call in heavenly firepower on the enemy to keep them at bay but it can also be used when you are wounded and in need of spiritual medical care. There is no vacuum in the spirit world; you must dominate the area in which you live and work or Satan and his fallen angels will. This message includes a powerful and condensed teaching on who the Devil is, where he came from and what he is doing today.


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