National Intercessory Prayer Manifesto
March 1, 2023
Resurrection Life of Jesus Church believes in prayer and intercession. It is now time to start teaching the art of interceding in this physical world on a spiritual level.
The most powerful weapon for fighting demons and fallen angels behind the idols listed in the Bible is intercessory prayer. How do we carry this out? Jesus commissioned the apostles and 70 others to cast out demons, heal the sick, raise the dead, open the eyes of the blind, and to cure lepers. Matthew 10:1-8; Luke 9:1-2; 10:17-21; Mark 16:15-20
Intercessory prayer means speaking the words that Jesus spoke commanding the evil spirits to obey and release their prey of sick and demon possessed.
A born-again believer who has been baptized in the Holy Spirit can be likened unto a forward air controller in the US Army. This man has no power in himself, but through his radio he can provide coordinates of an enemy position and request airstrikes from friendly aircraft, who will rain down fire and brimstone on the enemy position.
When Elijah the prophet had to contend with the demon god Baal, he prayed down fire from heaven. 1 Kings 18:30-39
Elijah learned that this concept works, and when he was approached by hostile soldiers, he repeatedly called down fire from heaven. God responded and the hostile men were incinerated. 2 Kings 1:9-12
We plan to teach this powerful weapon to God’s warriors. 2 Corinthians 10:3-6; Ephesians 6:10-18
The situation in the United States and the rest of the world grows increasingly wicked. People are turning away from God and embracing evil. This situation can only be reversed through preaching and intercessory prayer.
Satan is the prince of the power of the air. The way of life without Christ is in accordance with Satan’s ways. Ephesians 2:2
Demons are behind every idol. Psalms 106: 36-38; Deuteronomy 32: 17; 1 Corinthians 10: 20; Revelation 9:20
Fallen angels rule over every nation. Daniel 10:13-21
We derive our power from Jesus Christ’s redemptive work on Calvary. 1 Corinthians 2: 6-9; Colossians 1: 13, 2:14-15
Power is given to every believer in Christ. Luke 9: 1; Luke 10:19; Mark 16:17-18; Ephesians 6:10-20
There is no way to remain neutral and out of the fight without being harassed by the enemy.
Born again believers have a choice to fight the enemy or to be abused, mistreated, and pummeled by the adversary of our souls.
Old Testament believers did not have access to the baptism of Holy Spirit, but today we can call upon the Holy Spirit and holy angels for tremendous firepower!
Join God’s army and our National Intercessory Prayer Team
You can use PayPal to make a donation or send a check in the mail. One time donations help temporarily but we need friends who will commit to giving regularly. Would you prayerfully consider doing so?
You can contact us if you have a prayer request or if you have any questions.