Miracles Don't Produce Faith

The Origin Story of Jesus Part 22

Humanity’s free will is our greatest strength and a huge vulnerability. The Hebrews had seen the ten plagues that ravaged Egypt, walked across a dry sea floor, seen Pharaoh’s army drowned, eaten supernatural manna, gotten water from a rock, and seen Mount Sinai covered with fire and smoke.

Did these miracles instill faith in the Israelites? Not one bit. Their journey brought them to the Promised Land and twelve men were selected to explore the area. Lucifer convinced ten of the men that it was impossible to prevail against the inhabitants. Their attitude amplified the fear and unbelief felt by the camp to the point that they rose up to stone Moses, Aaron, Joshua and Caleb.

As a result, Jesus intervened and punished the adults in an unusual way. They would all slowly die over the next forty years for their unbelief, while simultaneously teaching the children about faith over the next four decades. The moral of the story is that Word of God is what produces faith.

RLJ-1810 -- MAY 30, 2021

Sermon Outline

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