Miracles Do Not Change People

Predestination Part 9A

The concept that God can travel through time is hard to understand since we don’t have the same capacity and will not know the future until we get there. In reading the Bible, we know that God designed ten supernatural plagues which destroyed Egypt’s finances, food supplies and killed their first born.

These spectacular events shocked and scared the people as they realized that no demon god could match the power of the Creator. But the plagues didn’t build any personal faith in the Egyptians, who only wanted the Hebrews to leave so they could go back to worshiping their local god.

Likewise, the Hebrews were happy that God was on their side so they could escape the slavery, but they weren’t interested in learning more about God and obeying Him. Pastor John takes you through the first six plagues and how God progressively hardened Pharaoh’s heart so he couldn’t repent even as the judgments were meted out.

RLJ-1216 -- DECEMBER 13, 2009

Sermon Outlines

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