God Hates Backbiting

RLJ-1360 -- SEPTEMBER 16, 2012

The Bible teaches that God is light, so when you choose to backbite or gossip about someone, it creates a barrier between you and God. It is also dishonest because you portray one thing to the face of a person but secretly disrespect them behind their back.

A backbiter cannot worship God because Jesus said that we must worship God in spirit and in truth. We can’t choose to do something that God finds ugly and detestable and expect His blessing as well. We need to recognize that this practice is a sin and repent of it.

Gossip and backbiting destroys friendships and churches and the Holy Spirit’s anointing will not be on a Christian who participates in such activities. A Christian must walk in the light; we have no other option if we want God to walk with us.

Therefore, put on the new man, walk in righteousness, put away lying and speak the truth with those around you. In doing so you won’t grieve the Holy Spirit and it will help you to be kind and forgive others just as God has forgiven you.


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