Fitting into Gods Plan

Predestination Part 5

Life was good for Jacob and his family, they had no intention of leaving Canaan, but God had other plans because He didn’t want them intermingling with other nations. You see, God didn’t want the family of Terah to worship false gods, so He orchestrated a famine that forced them into an incubated setting that was free from idolatry.

Joseph was God’s man in Egypt and was used to the Lord to bring his brothers to repentance before they could begin to prosper as a nation. In looking back, we can see the blueprint God had for Jacob and his family and how they were used to create a nation that received the Messiah. But that is the past and God is now working on us to prepare the world for the coming Antichrist.

We need to bring the Gospel to this unsaved generation and give them hope that God is in control and Jesus is coming back soon. How are you fitting into God’s plan?

RLJ-1212 -- NOVEMBER 15, 2009

Sermon Outlines

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