Final Events

Signs of the End Times Part 6C

Pastor John begins by detailing the trumpet judgments that God will mete out against the Antichrist and his followers. During a pause, God will have two witnesses preach truth and judgment in Jerusalem for 1,260 days.

This will be a great embarrassment to the Devil because it is the capitol of his Antichrist, and Satan’s world ruler will be unable to get rid of them during that time. Almost three and a half years later, seven plagues of wrath will be poured out on the earth destroying much of what is left and further punishing the people who have taken the Mark of the Beast.

Sometime during these judgments God’s people will be removed from the earth for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Pastor John then outlines the second coming of Christ, the thousand years kingdom, the last war on earth, and the Great White Throne Judgment for all unbelievers. You will get a description of creation’s end and the new heaven and earth as God’s people move into eternity. If you ever wondered what will happen in the end, this sermon is for you.

RLJ-1198 -- AUGUST 9, 2009

Sermon Outlines

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