The spirit of fear is a demonic force gripping the world’s population because of the lies being perpetrated by the mainstream media. While the Coronavirus is not terribly deadly, it is contagious and an economic weapon that is causing havoc throughout the world.
As a result, the sin nature of humanity is rearing its ugly head. God did not spare sinful Sodom and Gomorrah. Nor did He look the other way when Israel worshiped idols. In fact, He let His chosen people experience death and destruction when they refused to repent.
What would Pharaoh say to us today? He resisted Moses and saw his kingdom systematically destroyed. God decimated the finances, agriculture, livestock, and population of Egypt. The final blow came when God drowned Pharaoh and his army. God has not changed and repentance is still the key.
Judgment always begins with the house of God and Christians need to seek the Lord so we can be effective ambassadors during this time of turmoil.
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You can contact us if you have a prayer request or if you have any questions.
All scripture references are taken from the King James Bible
European American Evangelistic Crusades (EAEC), Inc.
P.O. Box 166
Sheridan, CA 95681
USA (916) 944-3724