The New Covenant
The Epistle to the Hebrews Part 11
RLJ-1365 -- October 21, 2012
The apostle Paul reaffirmed the end of the Atonement covenant with its Levitical priesthood and the associated sacrifices with an unbreakable new covenant that was made between God the Father and God the Son. This second covenant would not only benefit Israel, but all the nations of the earth, and would require a new birth.
The Bible predicts that there will be a temple in Jerusalem during the Tribulation times but it will be built for the Antichrist. Paul was already dead when the revelation was given to the apostle John.
Since most Christian Zionists believe this temple will be of God, they will also have to reject the teaching in book of Hebrews which clearly states that Jesus became the last sacrifice, preferring to believe instead that God has a special plan for the Jews. Furthermore, they will have a hard time believing how this world ruler and “friend of Israel” could be evil?
Shortly thereafter the Man of Sin will introduce an economic system that will be touted as secure because of its use of the microchip to avoid identity theft and fraud. To receive such a chip, each person will have to voluntarily swear allegiance to the Antichrist.
The future is not yet here and God needs believers to be stand up and proclaim the truth. The deception will be strong and it is crucial for Christians to understand the doctrine presented in the book of Hebrews.
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