October 14, 2018
I accidently ran afoul of the witch covens in the Sacramento area in the early 1980’s through a fantasy game that was being promoted. The Cordova Park and Recreation District had scheduled taxpayer funded classes to teach the game “Dungeons and Dragons.” Our church got involved by printing up thousands of tracts proving that the game was based on witchcraft, which is a religion, and should therefore not be promoted by any government entity.
Our people fanned out into the Rancho Cordova area and covered every household with our flyer and at the same time we showed up to a council meeting to protest the use of taxpayer money to pay for a religious teaching. The end result was that the council cancelled the classes.
The following Sunday morning six off-duty sheriff deputies showed up at our church service to serve court papers to myself and the leaders in the church. We were sued by the United Witch Covens of Sacramento for causing great harm and loss of income by linking witches to the Dungeons and Dragons game. I found out there were some 5,000 persons who claimed membership in the covens. Thanks to insurance and some great attorneys, the frivolous lawsuit was thrown out of court.
The incident this time comprises a group of witches in Brooklyn, New York, with the help of Catland Books, a metaphysical bookstore. Together they have decided to put on a public event which involves a hex on the newly appointed Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. The event is going to take place on October 20th with the goal of destroying Kavanaugh through the conjuring of evil spirits that will cause him to become sick and die.
In this short video you will hear me talk about my experience with witches, and then after reading a number of verses from the Bible, I come against this meeting and destroy any effort by evil spirits as they are summoned by witches. Join me in this prayer and let’s destroy the work of Satan on October 20, 2018.
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You can contact us if you have a prayer request or if you have any questions.