Can I Trust God?

RLJ-1352 -- JULY 22, 2012

The Muslim God is impersonal, doesn’t care about people and their problems on earth and severely judges those who don’t follow his commandments while Roman Catholics cannot approach God directly and must have a priest intercede on their behalf.

This is in stark contrast to the God of the Bible, who grants us access and cares for the minute details in our lives, but with seven billion humans on this earth, does God have time to care for each one of us? In this message Pastor John shares how God allowed Abraham to challenge him, showed Moses the Promised Land despite his sin, assured Joshua of future success, encouraged Gideon to become bold, and sent an angel to Daniel with a message of love.

When we read the four Gospel accounts, there is no doubt that Jesus loved the people He was in contact with on a daily basis until the end of His ministry. Your heavenly Father loves you very much; He is your friend and you can rest securely in his love. Jesus said, “If you have seen me, you have seen the Father.” For that reason, there should be no fear or doubt, God is your friend now and for eternity, so start enjoying your walk with Jesus today.


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