The Truth about Christmas
By John Torell
10 Pack
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As we approach the end of time on this earth, and the power of the Antichrist increases, the pressure to conform to the events of the world is getting stronger and stronger. Very few pastors and Christian churches today will take a stand on the issue of pagan holidays and what Christians should do.
For a number of years we published a booklet called, The Truth about Christmas, by Reverend Charles Halff. Reverend Halff is Jewish and some years ago he heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ and was saved and today he is a Christian. His written stand on this subject is very good, so we are reprinting his testimony in this revised booklet to make it available to the public.
We used to feature three chapters from the book, Babylon, Mystery Religion, written in 1965 by Reverend Ralph Woodrow. In 1966, he published this book through his own evangelistic association and later it was published by Chick Publications. The book is no longer published because Woodrow withdrew it from the market when he changed his position on Christmas and decided to celebrate it once again.
My own chapter to this compilation has been added in order to back up the position taken with an extensive search of Scripture. Please read this booklet and let God speak to you through His Word as it is quoted in the pages to follow. Be brave and take a stand for Jesus and the truth.
Remember this, If you cannot say “No” to pagan customs now, how will you be able to say “No” in the future when you are asked to take the Mark of the Beast whose number is 666?
Other items by this author:
As the Days of Noah Package
Blow the Trumpet in Zion – Audio
God’s Power: Use It or Lose It! – Audio
How to Live Victorious in a Hostile World – Audio
How to React in Times of Suffering – Audio
Judgment Always Begins With God’s People – Audio
Teachings from the Book of Acts – Audio
Temptation – Audio
The Revelation of Jesus Christ Series – Audio
Israel, the Kabbalah, and the Antichrist
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