The Synagogue of Satan

The Synagogue of Satan
Andrew Carrington Hitchcock

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World events do not happen by accident. World history is planned far in advance by a conspiratorial Cabal, an Invisible Hand, working secretly behind the scenes.

In this highly documented volume, Hitchcock uncovers the wicked elite group responsible for virtually all wars, revolutions, financial debacles and social upheavals. That group he accurately identifies as the Synagogue of Satan.

Amazingly, the Bible’s apocalyptic scriptures warn of this very same group. The book of Revelation reveals that the hellish agents who comprise the Synagogue of Satan do not hesitate to imprison, defraud, and kill multitudes of innocent victims. Their deceptive conspiracy will someday soon shake the entire planet and cause the bloody death of billions of its inhabitants.

Here is the record of how the Synagogue of Satan has stealthily moved to dominate and control the world’s money and banking. It has set up secret societies and organizations such as the Bilderbergers, Freemasonry, and the Council of Foreign Relations to do its dirty work. And now, this ages-old conspiracy is prepared to plunge mankind into the utter depths of all-out destruction.

The Synagogue of Satan is the first book ever to document the secret history of Jewish world domination. It is a virtual encyclopedia of fresh new information and facts unmasking the elite and their sinister goals and hidden influence. Here is just a part of the secrets you will discover in this eye-opening 320 page book.

These High Priests of Lucifer possess ownership of almost every major book publishing firm in the world. (page 8)

Their power is based on their vast wealth. (page 14)

Rothschild draws up plans for the creation of the Order of the Illuminati and entrusts Adam Weishaupt with its development. (page 32)

Rothschild gains control of America’s money system by setting up a central bank. (page 37)

Karl Marx (real name: Moses Levy) publishes his infamous Communist Manifesto. (page 57)

The Rothschild’s use their money power to foment the bloody U.S. Civil War, 1860-1865. (page 62)

Albert Pike, Sovereign Grand Commander of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, endorses the doctrines of the Synagogue of Satan, including the exaltation of Lucifer as spiritual king. (page 75)

Samuel Untermeyer and associates choose Woodrow Wilson to become President of the U.S.A. (page 91)

N.M. Rothschild & Sons seizes control of world’s gold markets and begins fixing daily gold prices. (page 104)

President Roosevelt, controlled by overseer Bernard Baruch, orders the pyramid, all-seeing eye and Latin inscription, “Novus Ordo Seclorum,” be placed on the U.S. one dollar bill. (page 128)

Noted researcher states, “England is under the invisible Jewish dictatorship…” (page 135)

President Harry Truman secretly lambastes the Jews in his diary, noting their “cruelty and mistreatment of the underdog.” (page 153)

New York Jewish banker spends millions for the “final triumph” of Bolshevism in Russia. (page 159)

Israeli Mossad spy agency adopts motto, “By Way of Deception Thou Shalt Do War.” (page 161)

Jewish banker James Paul Warburg tells U.S. Senate, “We shall have World Government…by conquest or by consent.” (page 160)

Traitorous American Jew covertly spying for Israel’s Mossad steals America’s top military secrets. Israel then sells these secrets to Red China. (page 198)

Israel secretly funds Arab terror groups worldwide, causing the citizens of America to hate the Arabs and Moslems and support Israel. (page 199)

President George H. W. Bush orders U.S. Air Force to slaughter 150,000 fleeing Iraqi troops in Kuwait, to please Jews on their Purim Festival Day. (page 213)

Orthodox Jews influence U.S. Congress to endorse talmudic Noahide Laws which call for the beheading by sword or guillotine of all Christians and other idolaters. (page 218)

Fanatical disciple of Synagogue of Satan walks into an Islamic Mosque with a machine gun in his hands, cruelly murders 29 worshippers and wounds 125 more. Jewish rabbis declare him a saint. (page 224)

Jewish commandant tortures innocent victims, murdering babies by bashing in their heads and raping Gentile women, then flees to Israel who will not extradite to face charges. (page 226)

Crypto-Jew, U.S. Secretary of State Madelyn Albright says that it was worth it to starve and kill a half million children in Iraq. (page 235)

Actor Marlon Brando, on Larry King Live TV show, tells America and world, “Hollywood is run by Jews. It is owned by Jews.” (page 230)

Israeli secret agents, in concert with rogue Bush Administration high-ups and Jewish groups in the U.S.A., engineer 9/11 and the bombing of the World Trade Center towers. (page 25)

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