The Poisoned Stream

The Poisoned Stream
Scott Lively

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In 1995 Kevin Abrams and I published The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party, the first book since Samuel Igra’s Germany’s National Vice to address the essential role which homosexuals played in the development of Nazism and the administration of the Third Reich. In the following two years the two of us, independently, have given dozens of speeches in the United States, Israel and England and have had the pleasure of discussing and debating our work on more than a hundred radio and television programs across North America. We have also received a great many letters of appreciation (and, as you might imagine, more than a little hate-mail) from readers around the world, especially since The Pink Swastika went online on the Internet in 1996.

While the market for a book like The Pink Swastika is understandably limited, reader loyalty has been remarkably high and we have received a great many requests for more information on this topic. In 1996 we responded to this request by publishing a second edition, which included 16 additional pages of material, and, for the first time, an index.

Since then, both Kevin and I have continued to accumulate material on the subject, but my own studies have broadened. I have come to discover, through various leads, a dark and powerful homosexual presence in other historical periods: the Spanish Inquisition, the French “Reign of Terror,” the era of South African apartheid, and the two centuries of American slavery.

My thoughts have increasingly turned toward writing a larger, more comprehensive analysis of homosexuality in history. I have come to believe, with Samuel Igra, that homosexuality has truly been a “poisoned stream” in human history. Igra traced the course of this stream through German history only, yet evidence suggests it is a river with many tributaries in many nations.

The Poisoned Stream is a book with a dual purpose. First, it is a response to all those who have wanted more information on homosexuality and Nazism, since it contains a great deal of new material that was not included in The Pink Swastika. My review of Igra’s book, which I have titled Germany’s National Vice Revisited, contains important excerpts from his work, which has not been available for over 50 years.

It is supplemented and punctuated by material from many additional sources, some familiar to readers of The Pink Swastika, some not. My article, How American ‘Gays’ are Stealing the Holocaust incorporates and expands upon the 1996 Initial Report of the International Committee for Holocaust Truth. Included in this article are some of my findings from a recent trip to Munich and the Dachau concentration camp. The article Exploding the Myth of the “Pink Triangle,” is a synopsis of The Pink Swastika which I hope will prove useful to those of you who wish to reprint this information for others.

Second, The Poisoned Stream is a starting point for the larger work which I envision. The Igra material broadens the scope of our study to the events surrounding World War I and addresses the influence of homosexuals on these events. Additional volumes, addressing other periods of history on which homosexuals had a significant sociopolitical influence, will follow this one.

A few housekeeping items. First, the reader may notice a difference in the use of the term “homosexualist” between sections of the book. Igra’s definition of homosexualist is focused on sexual conduct and includes virtually all people who engage in sexual perversion, especially homosexuality and pederasty.

I define homosexualism as a political position. A homosexualist is a homosexual or non-homosexual person who promotes the legitimacy of homosexuality as a valid alternative to heterosexual monogamy. Second, I have taken the liberty of harmonizing the various spellings of the name Rohm (which occur because of a German symbol which is absent from English) throughout the book.

Finally, I have not included a separate acknowledgments section in this book, but I would like to thank Kevin Abrams for contributing several sources of information which are used here, and for his dedication to educating the public on this subject on the Internet.

Other books by this author:
The Pink Swastika

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