The Pink Swastika

The Pink Swastika
Scott Lively

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This book challenges the historical revisionism that over the past 30 years or so has generated the widely held belief in a so-called “Gay holocaust” in Nazi Germany, paralleling the very real Jewish holocaust perpetrated during the thirties and forties. In fact, Lively and Abrams argue persuasively that not only was there no such holocaust, but in fact homosexuals occupied leadership positions in the Nazi Party throughout the life of the Nazi movement.

The fourth edition of the book, published in 2002, features two new chapters, additional photos and graphic support, and hundreds of new citations, as well as textual revisions responding to criticism of previous editions.

The assassination of Ernst Roehm and about a thousand other men over one weekend in June of 1934, known generally the “Night of the Long Knives,” is generally cited as evidence of the Nazi Party’s hatred of homosexuals. However, Lively and Abrams show that fewer than half of those killed were homosexuals, and several reputable historians claim that Hitler’s motivation was political rather than moral.

The killings were carried out in response to pressure from Hindenburg, Krupp, and elements of the regular German Army, who threatened to remove Hitler from power if he refused to eliminate Roehm and other open homosexuals whose public behavior had proved to be a scandal. In addition, although Roehm had been Hitler’s ally and mentor, he himself had ambitions for power, and it was rumored that he might constitute a threat to Hitler himself.

In the U.S. this information is largely suppressed today by the radical homosexual movement, which seeks to establish homosexuality as a social norm. Lively and Abrams claim that after the 1960’s, the connection between Nazism and homosexuality – widely known and acknowledged until then – simply disappeared from public discourse, apparently in retreat from charges of homophobia and intolerance.

They cite the past treatment of The Pink Swastika itself as prime evidence of their claim. Despite attempts to contribute the book to collections in the U.S. Holocaust Museum and similar institutions, it is either available only on request or kept off the shelves altogether. Lively and Abrams argue they simply want to ensure that the historical assessments in their book be freely considered in the intellectual marketplace of ideas.

The parallels between homosexuality in 1930’s Germany and homosexuality in the U.S. since about 1970 are ominous. Any student of modern European history or serious observer of the homosexual movement will find The Pink Swastika to be a fascinating and persuasive account of a pivotal period in modern history.

Other books by this author:
The Poisoned Stream

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