The dove collection 12 historic issues

The Dove Collection 12 Historic Issues

The Dove magazine came into being in 1979 as a church news publication when I was the pastor of Christian Life Ministries in Carmichael, California. We began to include political and prophetic articles in 1984. During the early years there was no Internet and all research was accomplished through books, magazines, periodicals, and newspaper clippings sent by people from all over the United States. We had a number of contributing writers like Antony Sutton, Gordon Ginn, Dave Hunt and Roy Livesley.

When I took over the printing of The Dove in 1987, the magazine became more politically slanted and I wrote a main article for each issue. We began printing on a quarterly basis and the Lord also told me to print an extra thousand copies each time because there would come a time in the future when these magazine issues would be sought by people who were hungry for the truth. The last issue was published in 2004, marking an end to a 25 year era. Over the years people have asked for back issues, and while we do not have every issue left in stock, we still have originals in our archives.

We are making the last twelve issues available because an entire generation has never seen these historical documents. With the advent of the internet, information can be found with just a few clicks, but some of what happened in the past has been hidden. These magazines are an excellent source for students of history to find out what happened during this time period.

The Dove Collection (12 issues) $5.75 per issue $69.00
2004 - The Nazi-Zionist Connection $7.00
2002 - The Birth of a Visible World Government $7.00
Spring 2001 - How God Defeated the Devil in the 20th Century $7.00
Autumn 1999 - Infiltration in the Church $7.00
Spring 1998 - Exposing the Counterfeit Anointing $7.00
Spring 1997 - Collector's Edition $7.00
Spring/Summer 1996 - The Identity Movement $7.00
Winter 1995 - Showdown in Jerusalem $7.00
Spring 1992 - The Formation of a One World Religion $7.00
Autumn 1991 - The surrender has now been completed $7.00
Autumn/Winter 1990 - False Prophets $7.00
Autumn/Winter 1989 - JST Addresses Anti-Semitism $7.00

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