What is the Future for our Ministry?

John Torell

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The Holy Spirit recently impressed upon Pastor John to clearly lay out the future of this ministry as the time of the Antichrist draws near. He shares all the revelations in his life and how they have been fulfilled over time to let you know where he is coming from when he says that God has raised him up as an end time leader.

Many Christians want the blessings of God but have no place for Him in their lives because they want to be in charge of their destiny. Seeker friendly churches cater to these carnal desires but this is not what Jesus wants for His Church.

The Bible says Jesus came to destroy the works of the Devil and Christians are to continue this work. Satan hates God and His people with a passion that is impossible to understand and seeks to lead us astray. The Bible makes it clear that it’s either heaven or hell after death; there is no middle ground, man must come to God on His terms!

God has called on Pastor John to offer an uncompromising biblical message to undiscerning Christians following apostate church leaders and the rebellious unsaved masses bent on taking themselves to hell.

OutlineMessageListenDownloadPurchase DVD
RLJ-1160Part 1: The Importance of Salvation
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RLJ-1161Part 2A: Destroy the Works of the Devil
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RLJ-1162Part 2B: Destroy the Works of the Devil
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RLJ-1163Part 3: Living a Holy Life
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RLJ-1164Part 4A: Victory or Defeat?
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RLJ-1165Part 4B: Victory or Defeat?
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RLJ-1166Part 4C: Victory or Defeat?
(Click to see video)
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Books By This Author
Christian Dynamics Course 1
Christian Dynamics Course 2 [Coming Soon]
Christian Dynamics Course 3 [Sold Out]
Christian Dynamics Course 4 [Sold Out]

Audio Companion guides
Christian Dynamics Course 1 [Sold out]
Christian Dynamics Course 2
Christian Dynamics Course 3
Christian Dynamics Course 4

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