Warren Smith Speaks at Resurrection Life of Jesus Church
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Warren Smith came and spoke at Resurrection Life of Jesus Church on November 7-8, 2008, sounding the alarm of how the New Age teachings have been repackaged and presented as something new.
Personal Testimony & Teaching
Warren shares how he got involved in the New Age after consulting a psychic, jumping thru all kinds of spiritual hoops and how everything seemed to fall naturally into place. A variety of sources introduced him an assortment of teachings that were supposed to bring self-fulfillment. Everything in his life was good until an event that caused him to seek the real Jesus, not the Jesus of the New Age. Warren also takes the time to show how the very same New Age counterfeits, with which he was involved, are making deep inroads into the Christian community and the spiritual deception that is taking place in churches.
Signs of the End Times
Warren spoke about signs of the end times and what the Bible has predicted will happen in the days before Christ’s return. Because of his past involvement with the New Age, Warren shared how it is rearing its ugly head within the Church masked as a “New Spirituality.” This Emerging Church is leading many undiscerning Christians down a path to destruction.
He spoke on the enormous influence Oprah Winfrey has with her television and satellite radio shows, promoting the occult teaching, “A Course in Miracles,” to millions of viewers and listeners. Robert Schuller is just as insidious; having taught New Age concepts to thousands of pastors over the years, one of which is Rick Warren, the author of The Purpose-Driven Life.
This “New Spirituality” is slowly being brought into the Church of Jesus Christ. Sadly, undiscerning Christians in the Emerging Church are showing hostility toward fundamental, Bible-believing Christians who are willing to stand for the truth.
Other books by this author:
Deceived on Purpose
The Light That Was Dark
Reinventing Jesus Christ: The New Gospel [Out of Print]
A Wonderful Deception
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